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It was suspected that the teacher was flying a plane under the blanket. This kind of thing would make others laugh for a few days.

Qi Cheng's roommates were at least a little bit conscience, and did not take the outside story to speak.

In the evening of self-study, Qi Zhong came in from the back door of Class 3 and walked quietly to the front of Qi Cheng's row. He heard Xia Li making a joke about this matter.

"Couldn't it be so fierce to fly a plane? The house is almost collapsing."

Qi Chengzheng lowered his head and wrote, writing too lazy to refute him, and said: "Yeah, the teacher has come too fast before finishing the fight."

Qi Zhong stood in the corridor with an unpredictable expression.

Qi Cheng... playing a plane?

Not cool yet?

The leader of Class 3 finally saw that there was still a person standing, and the whole person

shrank inward, almost falling into Qi Cheng's arms, "every day... Qi Zhong, why are you in our class?" Qi Cheng put down his pen , Also turned to look at Qi Zhong.

Qi Zhong looked at him and quickly looked away again, his head full of words just now. He slowly patted Xia Li's shoulder, "Your head teacher asked you to go to the office."

Xia Li suspiciously, "how the head teacher asked you to speak."

Qi Zhong, "because my head teacher asked me to find Qi Cheng to make up classes."

His words were clanging and powerful, Qi Chengcheng delayed the meeting, "I'll make up for you?"

Qi Zhong

responded with a nasal voice, knocked on Xia Li's table, " Shall you go soon?" The people around looked at this scene secretly, Xia Li determined that he was not joking, and hurried to the office.

Qi Zhong sat down on his seat, put the test paper in his hand on the table, and leaned close to Qi Cheng, "What are you writing."

"Zuo," Qi Cheng rubbed his eyebrows, "trouble."

"If you are annoying, just adjust the questions," Qi Zhong took out the pen in his hand and put it on the table, then he held his hand in his hand, dropped it under the table, and pushed the test paper between the two people. Can't arouse your interest."

His five fingers were about to move, as if he was going to insert Qi Cheng's fingers.

This action was bold and courageous, as if not afraid that Qi Cheng would beat him up.

The movements under the table were hidden, and no one before or behind noticed. Qi Cheng pulled his chair closer and said casually: "Wang Tsai's milk."

In fact, he is also a casual sentence . He did not prepare Qi Zhongzhen to take out Wang Tsai's milk, nor was he ready to hold Qi Zhong's hand.

But Qi Zhongjun raised his eyebrows and took out two bottles of milk from his jacket pocket with joy, and pocketed two in both pockets. I don't know when he prepared it. It still had a warm touch on it.

The Wangzai milk in the school will not be heated. Qi Chengdu does not know how he warms the milk, and then keeps the temperature until now, until it is delivered to his hand.


I'm still fully prepared, Qi Zhong," Qi Cheng flicked the red milk bottle, took the bottle and inserted the straw, "No heating is needed." Qi Zhong said honestly: "I feel comfortable drinking hot. "

The Wangzi milk in the school is expensive, Qi Cheng and these two bottles are his breakfast money tomorrow morning.

Qi Cheng looked at the test paper, sucking milk, Qi Zhong looked at his eyes, read the math questions, then looked at him again, and then read the math questions again.

I think this breakfast is worth the money.

"I'm handsome to you?" Qi Cheng suddenly said, "I stared at me with so many eyes, I'm so beautiful?"

"Cough," Qi Zhong asked in a low voice, "what did you see in the dormitory ?" ? "

Qi into a breath choked cough several times, most of the cast over the eyes of the whole class, They want to see in the end how it was. Qi Zhong's ears were red behind his face, and his face was thick. "Look at the farts."

His eyes turned away again.

Qi Cheng finally eased over and looked at Qi Zhong with a hard time.

Qi Zhong's eyes dodged under his gaze, for a while, before pretending to be indifferent: "It's okay, it's all boys, no one has done this."

"Still," Qi Zhongyu Guang glanced at Qi Cheng, He asked cautiously, his voice was almost inaudible, "Aren't you doing it yourself?" The

boys were excited and excited about this topic at any time, Qi Zhong's voice was so low, but there was a kind of secret stimulation .

Qi Cheng has been slower this time than last time.

According to the real situation, Qi Cheng rarely does that kind of thing.

He wakes up in the morning like this, and the impulse of the teenager will be defeated by deep sleep. Although he has a wide range of interests and knowledge, the knowledge he has learned does not describe this knowledge. Even the way of chasing girls that Xueba was taught before was the conclusion obtained from the way others chased him... Having said so much, it still can't hide the fact that he was poked by Qi Zhong.

Qi Zhong's expression became shocked. After a few seconds, the corner of his mouth lifted uncontrollably. He let go of Qi Cheng's hand, clenched his fist against his lips, and tried to cover his smile.

The chairs dangled, and they all knocked down on the table behind.

Qi Cheng looked at him expressionlessly, "I didn't... just so funny?"

He was upset.

"Where is that kind of thing comfortable," Qi Cheng frowned, saying very seriously, "I have to take a bath before the event and clean it up afterwards. I tried it a little before, and I don't feel comfortable." The

topic became more and more wrong.

If the whispers of the two people are not heard by others in the quiet evening self-study, they must be head to head, breathing hot.

Qi Zhong blurted out subconsciously, "It's cool, isn't it."

After he finished speaking, he immediately coughed and his expression slowly became uncomfortable.

Boys... Qi Zhong has never discussed this topic with any boy before, and after realizing his aligned mentality, he never thought of anything more intimate.

If it is Qi Cheng, coughing, it feels weird, either repellent, or uncomfortable and slightly weird.

Thinking about it makes me feel wrong... What the hell is this fucking mindset about?

The two looked at each other for a few minutes, then looked away at the same time and fell on the test paper between the desks.

Qi Cheng poked the test paper with a pen, "Which question won't."

"Algebra, geometry, probability statistics," he said and poked a black dot at the corner of the test paper, "still mathematical modeling, combination... and so on. "

he squinted at the Qi Zhong," do you know what it is Algebra? "

Qi Zhong," ...... " "

function, "he ventured up to see the most recent of the two words together into the same expression, It seemed to signal him to continue, "Equations? Inequalities?"

These are all things.

The tone is full of uncertainties.

Qi Cheng slightly raised the corner of his mouth, "So you won't do anything?"

"Nothing." Qi Zhong said honestly.

"But I also learned a lot recently," Qi Zhong swept the fifteen questions of the blank from top to bottom. "At least seven."

Qi Cheng was helpless. "You are really stupid."

So simple The fill-in-the-blank question can only be divided in half.

In front, after Qi Zhong entered Class 3 and sat next to Qi Cheng, Chang Yao turned his head slightly and looked at it with Yu Guang.

After watching for a while, he touched the same table beside him, his fingers curled up in his sleeves, and asked lowly: "Who is that person."

"Qi Zhong of class 12," said the same table, "The five who took the stage last time A handsome guy, he looks handsome, and his temper is not very good. What's wrong, Chang Yao?"

Chang Yao swallowed slowly: "He has a bad temper?"

"Not good," at the same table, "You can check it out on our own."

Chang Yao stopped talking.

The person named Qi Zhong felt worse than Chi Yan's.

After Qi Cheng gave the first lecture in Class 12 last time, he also gave many lectures in other classes. After coming down several times, all his ideas of thinking he was a lecture genius were thrown out of his head, and he also accumulated a lot of experience in giving lectures to others.

Therefore, when he gave Qi Zhong a lecture, he gave extremely detailed information, but Qi Zhong's foundation was too poor, and there were many problems in the steps.

Xia Li didn't come back from the office until halfway through the self-study class. "Come a few boys, follow me to clean up our age warehouse."

Qi Cheng stood up, Qi Zhong also stood up, the two headed out together go with.

They are similar in shape and similar in shape, walking in the front is obtrusive and simply walking at the end.

The long legs walked slowly, and finally fell to the end.

From a strange state of mind, Qi Zhong's throat rolled up and down, lowering his voice and said to Qi Cheng's ear: "Qi Cheng, that kind of thing, do you know how to do it?"

Qi Cheng Shen silently looked at him.

Can't figure out if Qi Zhong wants to find self-confidence that is not a learning aspect with his handsome genius.

Qi Zhong took Yu Guang and peeked at him, and Qi Cheng was caught by Qi Cheng. Qi Cheng asked, "Are you very experienced?"

"..." Qi Zhong vaguely said, "It's not easy to say."

This answer is absolute, Qi Cheng couldn't help smiling, "Fuck."

"You swear," Qi Zhong stopped and looked at him stupidly, "Qi Cheng, you fucking swear?!"

Qi Cheng is slow Looking back at him, "Am I there?"

Qi Zhong stepped forward and ran to him, his eyes bright, "You talk again."

"That word," Qi Zhong, "Come here, talk again, and say to me."

He was stupid. Qi Chengyan looked at him inexhaustibly, keeping up with the big troops in front.

"Handsome guy, don't be so cold," Qi Zhong stared at him with his head tilted, his eyes blinked, and the fire in the eyes also had a burning sensation at night. "You can even say dirty words, fake ha ha ha ha ha. "

Qi to be his emotions, his face slowly bring out a smile.

It's not just a fake word, how did this guy get excited when he found the treasure.

They arrived at the warehouse. The warehouse for senior three was just behind the administrative building. In the past, some of the sanitation had been cleaned up by students from other classes.

All they need to do is to move out the stools, tables and chairs deep in the warehouse. These are all new products. Many people in their class are greedy for the new batch of desks and chairs. Now they finally have a chance.

Qi Cheng's strength was so great that he helped move the new tables and chairs to the door of the warehouse, and then moved the old ones back. After ten minutes or so, all of them were doing the most.

Xia Li was sweeping the dust on the ground and coughed loudly.

Qi Zhong didn't say anything, and he was also doing the heaviest job. With several of them taking the lead, the students in Class 3 all speeded up.

But half a hour later, after cleaning and preparing to go back, there was a sudden thunder outside the warehouse, and the skyside road struck the night sky with lightning, illuminating the entire sky and earth for a momentary day.

The next thunder followed, booming, and hit everyone's ears.

"Lying trough!"

The people in the warehouse were frightened. "This is going to rain?"

Qi Cheng reached out his hand, and the big raindrops missed his hand and fell to the ground. After a few drops, a moment later It became dense and majestic.

The clattering rain was accompanied by thunder and lightning, and the heavy wind blew the heavy rain, and the fierce rain fell to the door of the warehouse.

Qi Zhong pulled Qi Cheng back and took a few steps. They backed away quickly, avoiding the rain rushing into the door in time. Others standing close to the door could only wipe off the water droplets that rushed to their faces. .

The author has something to say: 

Qi Zhong is now aligned as: Yo Yo Yo,

after we touched a little hand ...

Qi Cheng put Qi Zhong in the corner, when he played rogue and took the initiative against him, he could only blush. Smoke, my brain is full of train roaring~

woo woo woo love! The weather is all set for you!

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