an unknown

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Nick Fury sat at his desk, rubbing his temples. He was staring at the blurry footage taken from a local beach club in Manhattan. The footage showed a young woman, around 20, taking a running leap into the ocean. 

It would've been normal if the young woman wasn't fully clothed and had come up for air after a few moments. But she was fully clothed, and hadn't come up for air for quite some time. The next footage was of the same woman emerging from the ocean at a speed no human could ever achieve. 

A possible enhanced, he thought. 

The director put the woman's photo through his facial recognition software. Kara Legend, her name was. 

He then proceeded to look for her records in the S.H.I.E.L.D database. Irritation grew on him as he read over the inadequate intel his organisation had on her.

Case Number: 824216
Name: Kara Legend
Date of Birth: Unknown
Status: Alive
Mother: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Height: 5'8'
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Aqua green
- Suspected terrorist attacks
- Was present during multiple explosions
- Seen near a bus explosion in New Jersey
- Seen near St. Louis Arch explosion
- Seen near the eruption of St. Helens
- Vanishes most of the year; only scattered reports of sightings all around Manhattan and Long Island.

Fury rubbed his temples again. He had nothing more than rumours and shadows regarding the young woman's life. He looked at the footage again and the blurry photographs they had managed to obtain.

Almost all the images were too damaged or fuzzy to even be certain that it was Kara. The most clear and recent image they had of her was from at a local cafe in Manhattan.

For someone who'd been so efficiently hidden from SHIELD while still being near so many disasters was clearly a threat. This person had also somehow evaded both surveillance and SHIELD agents in the past two weeks and his response teams had also failed in tracking her down. She vanished most of the year and turned up all over the country where various disasters had occurred.

Kara Legend was a mystery to him. A highly trained, well skilled and proficient mystery.

She would be a great asset to the Avengers initiative, he thought.

There was only one thing left to do. He pressed his intercom on his desk.

"Agent Hill. Call in the Avengers."


"Alright. Why did you call us here, Fury?" Tony asked, propping his feet on the table.

Steve, Clint, Natasha, Sam, Wanda, Bruce and Vision were all sitting around a circular table, looking at the one-eyed director.

"Agent Hill, please bring up the records on case 824216," Fury said as a picture popped up of a girl around Wanda's age with long black hair and aqua green eyes.

"Umm .... not to sound disrespectful sir but why are we looking at a college aged student?" Steve asked, leaning back into his chair while Fury pulled out a file and began reading it out loud.

"Kara Legend. Age, unknown. Parent's status, unknown. Notes; suspected terrorist attacks, was present during multiple explosions, seen near a bus explosion in New Jersey, seen near St. Louis Arch explosion, seen near the eruption of St. Helens, vanishes most of the year; only scattered reports of sightings all around Manhattan and Long Island," Fury listed.

"So, you think she's a threat?" Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow while the director nodded.

"I want you to look for her and bring her in for questioning," Fury said while everyone looked shocked and uncomfortable.

"You want us to do what now?!" Steve burst out. The soldier had done many things that made him uncomfortable but kidnapping someone? That was a bit too far.

"I agree with Cap. We can't take a minor off of the streets like that," Clint agreed, shaking his head.

"Besides, she was cleared of all the suspicions in every case. We don't have a justification," Tony pointed out, his eyes scanning through her records.

Fury played the footage of her leaping into the ocean and emerging from it at inhumane speed.

"She's suspicious alright. Look, all I want you to do is bring her in for some questioning and convince her to join your team. She's an unknown, maybe an enhanced, and a potential threat that we must evaluate. Impress her with the Earth's Mightiest Heroes title and bring her in. She would be a great addition to the team. There's something off about her and I want to know what. I don't care how you do it. Just get it done," Fury said before walking out of the room while everyone glanced at each other.

"Alright. We'll all go tomorrow," Steve said as the Avengers nodded uneasily; the idea of taking a young adult in and recruiting her wasn't sitting well with anyone.

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