oh look, i'm a non-functional immortal

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"So would you care to explain why SHIELD barely has any information on you?" Fury asked, crossing his arms while Kara and the Avengers were all sitting around a long conference table.

"SHIELD?" Kara repeated, confusion etched across her face.

"It's short for Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division," Clint answered.

"Right. And I'm not surprised you don't have much on me," Kara replied as Fury raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to continue while she locked eye contact with Thor.

"What do you think, Thor? Is it time?" The demigoddess asked him, leaning back into her chair while the Avengers looked at the blonde god in slight betrayal.

Thor ignored his friends and seemed to have a silent discussion with Kara before nodding in agreement.

"Yes, daughter of the Sea. I think it is time," Thor said, also leaning back into his chair and munching on his favourite midguardian snack, poptart.

"How's Magnus doing anyways?" She casually asked him as the blonde god smiled.

"The son of Frey is doing well in his quests," Thor informed her proudly while she nodded in approval.

Kara had helped train Annabeth's cousin herself for a while and was quite happy that he was doing well. But the thought suddenly hit her.

He didn't know. He didn't know of the aftermath. And now she dreaded to tell him the news if she ever came across him again.

"Who is Magnus?" Steve asked curiously while she waved her hand, signalling later.

"Okay. What do you guys know of Greek Mythology?" Kara asked them cautiously before Clint slammed his fist on the table.

"You are a Goddess?" The archer asked incredulously while Kara shook her head, opening her mouth to answer but someone beat her to it.

"No, Kara turned that down. Again," Thor replied while the Avengers looked at her unbelievingly.

"You did WHAT?" Tony was sputtering over Thor's casual comment about Kara's offer with godhood.

It was starting to go badly.

"I turned down full immortality the second time. Godhood was only after the second Titan War but I'm already partially immortal which is enough," Kara muttered, correcting him but the Avengers heard her and looked even more incredulous.

"You're immortal?" Natasha asked while she nodded and sighed.

"I'm partially and functionally immortal. Or I guess, a non-functional immortal considering my sleep schedule and sometimes inability to behave like a reasonable adult but yeah, I don't age and can live forever if I don't die in battles," she replied while they all tried to digest what she had said.

"How old are you exactly?" Bruce asked.

"Too old," she muttered before waving her hand in the air.

"But that's not relevant. Anyways, the gods of Olympus are real, and still alive. Kinda like how Thor and his pantheons are Norse gods. Actually, he's supposed to stick to Boston, and they aren't actually immortal like the Greeks and Romans are, but that's not important. There are a few other pantheons out there but the most important are the Greek and Roman gods. You know how they ran around having mortal affairs and having children? That is also true. Though those affairs never stopped," Kara said.

"You mean the old heroes like Hercules, Odysseus and Achilles?" Tony asked, interrupting her.

"Hercules is a jerk. Odysseus was a mortal. And Achilles was, I don't know what he was, besides being horrible at giving advice," Kara muttered while Thor snorted at her comment, making her roll her eyes.

The Avengers looked at the two in confusion and Kara could sympathise with them. Mutants and aliens were one thing since they were based on logic and science but gods, magic and mythical monsters?

They followed an entirely different set of rules.

"You've met Hercules? Didn't he die like centuries ago?" Sam asked while she shook her head.

"First of all, Hercules is Roman, it's actually Heracles. And second, doesn't everyone know his story? He was granted godhood after he died. Now he's a homicidal minor godly pain in the ass and guards the pillars in the Strait of Gibraltar. I met him about a year or two ago and he was lucky I was held back or I could've made him fade from existence for being a douchebag, but I guess it kinda wasn't his fault since it runs in his family," Kara answered while everyone's jaws dropped and even the assassins were having a hard time keeping their emotions under control.

"So, I am an offspring of those gods. We're called demigods or half-bloods. Half-mortal, half-god."

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