don't slam your elbow against an iron mask, i speak from experience

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Kara stood on the shoreline, the sound of waves crashing against the shore calming her down. She could feel eight people sneaking up on her, but continued to remain silent as they neared her.

"Freeze, kid! We have you cornered," Tony ordered her in his robotic voice.

The daughter of Poseidon pulled her hood back, allowing her shoulder length, black hair with streaks of silver to display and turned around to face them as the Avengers took in her appearance.

Her skin was tan and aqua green eyes stared at the group with what could only be irritation. All in all, her appearance was slightly intimidating, highlighted by her eyes which seemed to be pulsing with unpredictable power, just like the sea.

"I already told you, billionaire guy, I don't want to join your ComicCon group. Go and recruit someone else and leave me alone," Kara replied exasperatedly.

"We can't do that kid. You are a potential threat. So you either join us or we take you in reluctantly with a fight, and you do not want to choose the second option," Steve said while Kara let out a scoff at the mention of potential threat.

"And what if I do pick the latter, Fourth of July?" she asked with a smirk as his eyes widened at her response.

"Then you have to go through us, and it won't be pretty," Tony replied as Kara was about to respond, only to get cut off by a tranquilliser arrow sailing in her direction.

She caught it, the arrowhead stopping inches from her chest, before snapping it in half and turning towards Clint, who looked at her in shock.

"You have no idea what you have just started," she growled, glaring at him darkly.

And with that, Kara struck her first attack at the archer. She launched a flurry of attacks on him, varying from kicks and punches. He ducked under a punch, only to receive a booted foot to his face, sending him sprawling across the sand.

She went to attack him again but was intercepted by Steve, who charged at her with his shield, hitting her square in the side, sending her back a couple of feet in the water. She looked at him in mild annoyance before charging at him. He raised his shield, ready to deflect her attack, but she swiped a kick at his legs, sending him to the ground with a hard thud.

He rose quickly and went to strike, but received a punch to his abdomen, momentarily knocking the air out of his lungs. She took advantage of that, striking him faster than he could blink with her foot across his face in a roundhouse kick. His vision turned blurry and his ears started ringing. He tried to get up but she put her foot on his chest, pinning him in the sand. She delivered a quick kick to his temple, knocking him unconscious before turning to the rest of the Avengers.

Tony fired from his gauntlets and Kara narrowly managed to sidestep as the beam created a small sand explosion behind her. She debated internally whether or not to just shadow travel away and reveal that power to them, but was brought out of her thoughts when Tony was suddenly upon her. He grabbed her, attempting to restrain her but Kara ducked her head out of the headlock before slamming her foot into his shin.

It didn't really hurt him but the force was enough to make him step back and unbalance his footing. Using this time, Kara spun and slammed her elbow into his mask, making him grunt and surprised by the force. She clenched her jaw in pain.

Gods that suit is sturdy, she thought, massaging her sore elbow as she caught sight of Steve's shield lying nearby. In a blink of an eye, she slammed the shield in Tony's face with brute force, sending him flying back metres away in a huge clang, knocking him out.

Kara ran towards the rest, using the shield to deflect the blasts from Sam and Vision, who were both in the air, before throwing the shield at an angle like a frisbee as it tore through one of Sam's wings, sending him crashing into the sand.

Four down, four more to go, she thought before launching herself at Natasha in a series of punches and kicks, which were returned. After a few seconds, Kara had managed to disarm the redhead, using one of her batons and crashed it against her temple, knocking her out.

Kara turned around, only to get punched by Hulk, sucking the air out of her lungs and sending her crashing into the ocean. She threw her hands down forcefully underwater, shooting herself out of the sea before landing in front of the four remaining Avengers; Vision, Hulk, Wanda and Clint, who had joined them again, with a powerful thud.

Her eyes radiated barely restraint power as she threw her hands up, feeling a sharp tug in her stomach as she bent the ocean behind her to her will. The four Avenger's attention shifted from Kara to the massive wave behind, realising that she was controlling it.

"Oh shi—" Clint was cut off when Kara slammed them with the water, sending them spiralling back into the sand.

Their suits were covered with wet sand while they all coughed out the salty water out of their lungs and gasped for air.

Hulk was the first one to get back up and roared loudly in anger before charging her again, with Vision in tow but Kara formed another large wave and slammed it against the two with much more force, sending them both crashing into the surfing cabins.

Wanda's hands glowed red as her powers collided with Kara's wave, creating a huge clash as they both were sent back by the force. The blast disoriented both of them, giving Clint a chance to shoot Kara but she had felt his arrows coming, dodging them all and sprinted towards him. She kicked the sand below her into his face, blinding him momentarily, and used this chance to knock him out as he landed in the sand with a soft thud.

Kara suddenly felt her head ache and she turned around to see Wanda trying to look into her mind, her eyes glowing red.

"If you cherish your life, then I suggest you. Get. The. Hades. Out of my head," Kara growled threateningly as Wanda stared at her in shock and a bit fearfully.

The demigod's gaze landed on the water behind Wanda and bent it to her will, sending it straight towards her as the witch spun around only to get swallowed by the wave. Once the water had dispersed, Wanda was soaked again and coughed the sea water out of her lungs.

"It's too dark for you," Kara muttered under her breath, her dark eyes softening for a milli-second before returning back to its lifeless and dull colour.

"Don't try to find me again. I won't go easy on any of you," Kara threatened, her voice barely registering in Wanda's ears, before walking away.

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