against the odds

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The ringing in Kara's eyes is what woke her up. 

The demigod pushed off a scrap piece of metal from her ribs, groaning as she heard a few of her bones cracking. She closed her eyes, drawing a deep, pained breath and forced herself to her feet. 

She looked around her surroundings to see that the massive explosion that End had caused had sent her flying back near the park, separating her from everyone else. 

Kara let out another grunt as she clutched her right side where End's sword had cut through. As long as the cut was, the demigod was grateful it wasn't too deep. It was a dull, throbbing ache but her adrenaline took off so much fire from the pain. 

Blood still seeped through her fingertips like a broken faucet as she tried to make her way towards the center of the destruction where End no doubt would be but failed terribly as she fell roughly onto her injured side. Letting out a shriek, she held her torso harder, her vision blurry from the pain. 

Fire struck at her veins. 

Kara's body was trembling with agony, and for a moment, she considered giving up right then and there. She'd been fighting so hard this entire time. Her body felt like she was melting in lava.  

Crimson blood was pouring out of nearly every cut in her system, and yet she was still alive somehow. She remembered the words of the Fates. The Fates. Those old grandmas were probably enjoying watching her suffer. 

The daughter of Poseidon hadn't given up all these years, so why should she now? 

She heard Chaos whispering inside her mind to keep strong, to hold on for a few moments longer, and so she does. 

Lifting herself with another pained grunt, Kara got to her knees, gaining back some of her bearings before she pushed herself back onto her feet, her body now leaning against a nearby tree. 

Kara's breathing was unsteady and heavy, her breaths barely making it through her tired lungs. She felt faint and dizzy, her throat dry and bitter with dried blood. Her eyes fought to stay open and focused. 

"Look at you!" End's voice called out in a mocking tone as Kara's head lazily snapped to the side. "The powerful champion of Chaos." 

Golden eyes met dull ocean ones as the two enemies met each other's furious gazes.

End's eyes were wild and filled with anger. The daughter of Poseidon was just as infuriated at the sight of him. Whenever she looked at him, he reminded her of Drake. A newfound strength flooded through her as the image of the lifeless form of the son of Perses burned through her mind. 

Kara let go of her side and stood up straight, refusing to let her injuries stand in the way of her battle as her eyes began glowing with power and determination to bring an end to this, once and for all. 

"You're a pathetic excuse for a demigod!" End bellowed as his palms lit up with golden flames. 

Kara stood her ground, trying to think of a plan but her mind blanked. She could only watch as his golden flames grew brighter and hotter, fuelled by his rage as he laughed sinisterly. 

"Now, I'm going to put an end to you, champion," End spits out those words with pure hostility, throwing his hand forward as flames shoot towards the daughter of Poseidon. 

Kara managed to break free of her trance and threw her fist forward, sending a column of aquatic fire of her own as it collided with the golden flames, creating a mini-explosion. 

End screamed in frustration as he barely missed his target again, instead tearing a fiery path of destruction in the park. Golden flames run thickly as the trees around them catch fire, illuminating End's rage in his gold eyes. 

Kara landed rather ungracefully, rolling out of the way as she dodged another column of fire. Her ribs burn and break with her fall, but if this was how she was supposed to die, then she'll die doing all she can to stop End. 

No matter what happens to her, she will bring peace to the world and the universe.

She had too. 


Bright golden light flashed over the skies of New York, drowning the world in brightness. 

Both Thor and Wanda groaned as they slowly gained their vision and bearings back. The explosion had caused quite a destruction in the city. They both were covered in scratches and cuts but other than that, they were physically fine. 

Wanda slumped against the wall, her lungs burning from exhaustion as she tried to get oxygen back into her system. Thor pushed himself back to his feet, balancing himself before offering a hand to the brown-haired witch. 

She gladly accepted it as he pulled her to her feet. "We need to find the others." 

The two had been separated from the rest of the Avengers from the explosion and now stumbled towards the center of where the destruction had occurred. Wanda coughed and wrapped a hand over her mouth at the smell of charred metal and burnt rubble. 

"Clint? Nat? Steve? Bruce? Vis? Peter? Sam?" Wanda called out. 

Both Thor and Wanda coughed again as they choked on dust, their lungs burning from exertion. The two keep on searching, the shouts for their teammates becoming more erratic as time goes. 

"Wanda, Thor, over here!" Steve's familiar voice called out hoarsely. 

The two followed the sound of his voice calling out to them as they stumbled over the wreckage. They both managed to see four figures curled over some scrap metal, making them rush over immediately. 

"Steve," Wanda sighed in relief when she saw the super soldier slumped against the wall, looking tired beyond belief, but alive nonetheless, with an unconscious but breathing Sam, Clint and Natasha. 

"Where are the others?" Thor asked Steve. 

The blond super soldier opened his mouth to reply when suddenly there was a bright, loud explosion in the distance, followed by a piercing scream of agony from a familiar voice. 

"Kara," Thor stated in shock as he exchanged glances with Wanda and Steve, who turned to the three unconscious teammates before nodding up at the two. 

"I'll take care of them. Both of you go to Kara and help her. When the rest show up, I'll send them your way. Go help Kara, she was injured the most out of the explosion. She'll need all the help she can get." 

Both Thor and Wanda nodded without hesitation and glanced at each other before bolting towards what was left of Central Park. 

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