thor meets the legendary legend

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Kara looked down from the top of Empire State Building and the view had always managed to take her breath away. The ground below her was alive at night with lights, as if someone had taken a handful of glitter and sprinkled it as far as your eyes could see.

The world felt so wide around and free, making her want to jump. Small and huge buildings collided in a mixture of shadows and concrete and tiny vehicles speeding along numerous streets in a colourful thread of light.

The cold breeze blew against her face, which was semi-covered by a mask, revealing only her dull eyes. She couldn't feel any godly aura above the building where Olympus was supposed to reside. It proved her theory that she was in a parallel world to her own.

At least there wouldn't be anymore gods after her to get their work done for them. Maybe she could finally settle down and live a peaceful life without anymore godly problems. Kara was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a metallic clang behind her, letting out an irritated sigh before turning to face Tony Stark.

"Stark, I told you—" She was cut off by him.

"I know what you said, Legend. If we try to find you again, you'll kill us, blah, blah. But you see the thing is, our boss can't let us rest until you've joined. So just come with me peacefully and there'll be no fighting needed," he said, offering his hand to her while she took a step back, standing on the edge of the rooftop, making his eyes widen.

"What are you doing? Get away from the edge," Tony said but Kara just smirked at him before jumping off the building.

Kara had to admit that the sensation of free falling was always thrilling. The wind blew in her face, hearing the flapping noise of her hood as adrenaline rushed through her veins. She opened her eyes when she heard the sound of thrusters coming upon her.

She looked behind her, taking in the red and gold figure catching up on her. She balled up her body, tucking in her knees, before unloading her body like a spring, giving her a boost and increasing her velocity towards the ground.

Suddenly a metal hand grabbed her ankle, pulling her up. Kara concentrated on the shadows around her, before getting engulfed by it, vanishing into thin air, leaving Tony wide-eyed.

Kara reappeared in an empty parking lot nearby, standing still as the adrenaline in her body settled down. She was about to start walking but halted when she caught sight of the seven Avengers surrounding her and let out an annoyed groan.

"Quare non possum habere unum pacifus die?" She muttered under her breath as Tony landed beside his teammates while Steve frowned at her words, not understanding anything what she had just muttered. (Why can't I have one peaceful day?)

Kara closed her eyes, concentrating on the ground below, feeling a sharp tug in her gut as the ground started to rumble, unbalancing everyone's footing around her. She raised her hands up slowly, before opening her eyes and letting out a powerful scream, bringing her hands down with great force, knocking all the Avengers violently several feet back. 

But before she could attack again, thunder rumbled and a rainbow beam of light hit the ground in between her and the Avengers. A tall and long blonde-haired man, wielding a hammer, stood in front of her when the light dispersed.

"How dare you attack my friends, Midguardian?" He bellowed, holding his hammer in an offensive stance while Kara raised her eyebrows at him and summoned her sword, Riptide, mirroring his actions.

He reminded her a lot of a certain son of Jupiter as memories of the final Giant Battle flashed through her mind, Jason's death replaying over and over again.

Kara stood there helplessly as the Bane of Jupiter threw his spear straight at Jason's chest while she ran towards him as fast as she could since she was beyond exhausted to pull the shadows to herself, but could only watch in sheer horror as the spear sailed in his direction in slow motion, piercing through his chest, making his eyes widen and spurt up blood, as his trembling hands wrapped around the spear's shaft in shock, before crumbling to the ground. She could only cushion his fall, tears clouding her eyes as she felt his soul enter the underworld.

She was pulled out of her flashback by Thor, who dashed towards her with Mjolnir. Kara swung Riptide for a powerful blow, but Thor used Mjolnir to block it. Using the momentum of her blow, she struck his leg, making him stumble, but recovered by jumping back to avoid any possible strike from her sword.

Thor had seemingly underestimated her fighting style and speed. She had also begun to radiate a feeling of power that disconcerted him. He had seen that she wasn't trying in the simple two blows she had inflicted on him. She could've capitalised him when he stumbled but she let him regain himself, which confused him.

They both observed each other for a few seconds.

"Bring it," Kara said while Thor's nostrils flared at the display of arrogance and readied his hammer, leaping towards her at high speed.

She ducked under his flying body, striking upwards with the hilt of her sword as he passed overhead. The blow struck his abdominal armour, which absorbed most of the impact but still left him a bit out of control, making him crash slightly before correcting himself with a roll and charging back into combat, engaging with her once again.

Thor took offense, attempting to break her guard with Mjolnir, but Kara's skill with her sword was flawless. She blocked, dodged, parried and countered everything he sent her way. He was becoming agitated as she noticed this in his sloppier but fierce attacks. He was becoming easier to defend because of the lack of forethought he applied to his strikes.

As Thor swung his hammer in a wide arc, Kara ducked underneath and braced a hand on the ground before kicking Mjolnir upwards, sending him off balance. She followed up with a sweep kick, taking his feet out from underneath as he landed with a hard thud. Before he could stand up, she pointed her sword right underneath his chin.

"Why are you here, son of Odin."

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