the last stand

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Fire spread up Kara's left arm as she was violently thrown back against the trees. End had managed to clip her with one of his flame blasts, rendering her left arm useless to fight with temporarily. 

The daughter of Poseidon clenched her jaw as blood cascaded through the charred flesh and beneath her shaking palms. She clutched her side in order to still the pain as sweat beaded down her dusty face. 

Kara let out another cough, huffing as if she had no more air in her lungs. The demigod was certain there wasn't a single patch of skin upon her body that wasn't covered by her blood or caked in dirt. 

She stared back into End's maniac expression, and with a plummeting heart, she realised that she was losing. And this time, there was no one to save her. 

"Give up, Kara," End cried out deliriously, his body glowing with uncontrollable power. "You know you've lost. Surrender now and I might have some pity on you." 

"Never," Kara spat, blood seeping down from her lips as she swiped her hand against her mouth to stop the blood from spilling. 

"Then you'll feel my wrath," End growled menacingly, his palms generating another powerful orb of golden flames. 

The daughter of Poseidon doesn't, couldn't, move. 

End was about to bring his fists forward to release the powerful blast when suddenly he was struck by lightning, electricity zapping him as he was sent flying backwards. 

"No," Thor's voice rang through, his body crackling with glowing blue lightning. 

"I don't think you will." The god of thunder kept striking him with lightning, strike after strike, forcing End on defence as the primordial countered the attacks with his fire blasts. 

Wanda ran up to Kara, who nearly collapsed on the ground if the witch hadn't caught her, the demigod struggling to balance her footing as her vision was slightly blurry. 

The brown-haired witch's eyes flickered over Kara's various wounds, noticing the never-ending trail of gashes and bruises painted upon the demigod.

But before Wanda could comment anything on Kara's state of disarray, Thor was sent flying backwards against the trees from one of End's blasts. The demigod winced in pain as she shared a worried look with the witch.

"You can't stop me, Kara. Not even with the help of your mortal friends. It's over," End cried out sadistically, staring hard at the demigod while Wanda stepped protectively in front of her, red wisps of magic glowing from the tip of her fingers as did her eyes.

"We'll see about that," Wanda growled as she shot a powerful blast of magic towards the primordial, who deflected it with a wall of fire, dissipating the blast.

Kara watched worriedly as End countered every single one of Wanda's attacks, which frustrated the witch even further as she kept pressing on against him with her blasts, Thor joining her side a few moments later after recovering from the blow he was inflicted with.

The demigod tried to summon another fire blast of her own but her body went against her wishes as another jolt of pain flooded through her system, making her groan as she struggled to get air in her lungs again.

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