killer metal birds

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Peter was never really one to believe in coincidences, so when a girl fell out of the sky and landed in the East River, he took that as a sign that something bad was about to happen. He was just trying to swing his way back home after a long day. 

His encounter with the snake ladies had been draining, and the use of his arms made them ache. All he wanted to do was eat food, but was interrupted by the yells as people pointed up to the sky where the girl was falling from. 

The splash was monstrous, sending river water spraying into the nearby streets. Civilians yelled in fright as they moved away, herding children and loved ones from the splash zone. Traffic came to a standstill and for a moment, everything was quiet. 

Then in some bizarre, climatic moment, the girl came exploding from the river, standing on a column of water as if it were solid. It was timed so perfectly that just as Peter finished marvelling at the show of her powers, he realised that she was not falling from the sky. 

No, she was escaping from it

The birds themselves were small, but it was not their size that was intimidating. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of them and they all were constructed of sharp metal. Their feathers and wings were made of up knives and spearheads that were bonded tightly enough to keep them on, yet also loose enough to detach and send them flying forth as projectiles. 

Peter found out the last part when a piece narrowly avoided him and sunk into the side of a taxi beside him. 

"Run!" Someone screamed. 

Peter watched for several moments, frozen in his spot on the rooftop by shock and the general disorientation that came with seeing all these events happening so quickly. The girl who had just taken a dive in the river pulled a sword seemingly from nowhere. 

Small lances and waves of water slapped and levelled the metal birds, and the ones that got close enough got split in half by a beautiful silver-bronze sword that glowed an aquatic aura in the river water that coated it. 

Peter began moving when the metal birds realised how many targets there were around them. A woman beside him was suddenly impaled in the leg as screams rang and the shock melted away. 

A little boy stood frozen as a group of birds soared their way towards him. Instinctively, Peter thrust his hands out, shooting webs out of his wrists. The feathers shot at the boy were thrown off course with the webs and the birds themselves were covered in the sticky webs, falling to the ground, unmoving. 

Kara was no longer surrounded. The birds screeched and retreated quickly, swarming around their position but no longer attacking as the citizens gazed fearfully at them. They were terrified, unsure whether it was safer to be closer to the girl who could control water or the killer birds. They hid behind Spider-Man, gaining a small sense of security. 

Peter cast a look at Kara. He knew who she was, well not really who she was. She had apparently joined the Avengers, a group he never had the pleasure of meeting, except Mr. Stark. She was a newer hero, kind of like himself, but the dark look in her eyes kept him from making any hasty judgements. 

She seemed to be a couple of years older than him, around twenty-two maybe, dressed in casual clothes, a grey jacket and pants, which seemed unusual for an Avenger, if you could call her that. 

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