a huge dog on steroids

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"What's her history?" Tony asked Thor, popping a lollipop in his mouth as they both watched Kara viciously attack the dummies in the training room through the glass windows.

The god of thunder raised his eyebrow. "Her history?"

"Yeah. Why is she all dark, mysterious and brooding? You're the only one she talks openly to," Tony said while the blonde god shook his head.

"That is not for me to tell," Thor replied walking off, leaving the billionaire wide-eyed.

"Wait, so you do know why," Tony called, running after him to try and get more information out of him while Steve, who was walking by and overheard their conversation, rolled his eyes before making his way into the training room towards Kara.

But he stopped in his tracks when an alarm blared through the tower as Kara halted her attack mid-way and turned, looking at Steve questionably, who gestured to her to follow him to the main room where the rest of the team had gathered.

"What happened?" Steve questioned Fury, who had just walked in as well with Maria behind him.

"There have been reports of disturbances in downtown New York," Fury answered while Maria typed something on her iPad that she was holding.

"What is it?" Tony asked, sitting on the couch next to Natasha and Bruce.

"We aren't actually sure. Reports say that it's a dog or something, and it's hurting citizens," Maria replied.

"Why can't you just call the dog rescue or something?" Clint asked sarcastically.

"Would they have a cage that can hold something this big?" Maria asked, pulling out a photo of two fierce looking dogs about the size of a tank for everyone to see while both Kara's and Thor's eyes widened, seeing through the Mist and saw two Hellhounds.

"That thing has either been eating way too many bones or is on steroids," Sam muttered.

"It could be a mutant dog," Tony suggested.

"Except that it isn't," Kara spoke up next to Thor as everyone turned their attention to her and raised their eyebrows in a questionably manner.

"But it can't be though," Thor said, turning to her. "They can't be in this world."

"That's what I thought too. I can't sense Olympus on this world either, but you and I can both see through the Mist and can truly see that it is real," Kara pointed out while Thor slowly nodded.

"Hold up. What the hell are you two talking about?" Tony questioned.

"Kara, we have to tell them," Thor said while the daughter of Poseidon immediately shook her head.

"We're going to have to let them be able to see through the Mist eventually. You and I can both feel it weakening around them anyways," Thor stated as Kara shook her head again, her hand leaning against a table.

"We are not involving them. They'll just get killed," Kara replied, looking hard at Thor, who was glaring back at her.

"Letting them see through won't change anything since the Olympians don't exist in this world. It will just let them see what they're dealing with and have the right information to defend themselves," Thor insisted while Kara clenched her fist, both of them not backing down from each other's glares.

The rest of the Avengers were curious, watching them like a tennis match. They had no idea what they both were talking about but silently watched them both continue to bicker.

"You must tell them," Thor roared, slamming his fist into the table, creating a small crack while Kara snarled back at the God of thunder.

"No. They will not be involved. It's not safe for them, they'll die. And I will not let mortals die for a godly cause," Kara growled, slamming her clenched fist on the table while Tony snorted.

"We defended the planet from an alien invasion and power-crazy robots. We're not so easy to scare off or kill," Tony boasted.

Kara turned to the billionaire, radiating a dark and powerful aura as the room temperature dropped several degrees, shutting Tony up and everyone subtly scooted away from her including Thor who took a step back, before she fixed her harsh glare back at the god of thunder.

"No, I can't! Not after the war. Not yet," Kara said, mumbling the last few words which were unable to be deciphered by the rest, her eyes dulling significantly than they already were.

Thor opened his mouth to speak but the daughter of Poseidon spoke first.

"I'm going to take care of the Hellhounds," she said in an Ancient Language so that only Thor could understand before disappearing into the shadows to where the monsters were to blow off some steam.

The god of thunder let out a sigh, slowly shaking his head and sitting down on one of the spare couches.

"Where did she go?" Natasha asked.

"To take care of the situation," Thor replied simply, gesturing towards the photo of the giant dogs.

"We have to help her," Steve said while Thor shook his head.

"No, let her be. She can handle it," he said while they all were reluctant until Fury finally nodded and walked out of the room.

"Come on pointbreak, you still haven't answered my question," Tony asked, breaking the silence, making the god of thunder sigh again.

"I told you Stark, it is not my place to tell," he replied while Clint raised an eyebrow.

"Not your place to tell what?" The archer asked.

"He's asking about Kara's history," Steve answered for him, earning a raised eyebrow from the billionaire. "I overheard you pester Thor about it."

"Come on capsicle, aren't you even the tiniest bit curious too?" Tony smirked when Steve didn't reply.

"I'll tell you all a story that was shared among us Norse gods by the Greek deities," Thor announced while Tony opened his mouth to speak but he held his hand up silencing him and spoke first.

"To answer your question Stark, I don't think it relates to her past. It's just a story," he said as Tony closed his mouth and everyone looked at the blonde God to continue.

"A few years ago, a great greek hero went on a quest with seven companions and a chaperone. They faced countless hardships throughout their quest and one of the unofficial leaders fell into what is the equivalent of hell. Down they fell, and were not seen again for two weeks until they met the rest of their companions at the doors of death, which is where they had asked the rest to meet them. They were mentally scarred and severely wounded but they still led their team on towards their enemy, who would rise in Greece. They fought many terrible monsters alongside the gods and barely won, but the true enemy had risen and the great battle was raging," Thor paused for a second, before continuing.

"Luckily the hero that also fell into hell, brought their forces together against the monster's army. They charged the army, but the resulting outcome was far from pretty. Hundreds of warriors and monsters alike died that day, including seven of the eight companions. The great hero was left alone and after watching all their loved one die, they finally snapped, utterly destroying everything in their path, including their true enemy. The hero had become broken truly beyond repair and disappeared without a trace. No one has seen or heard from the great hero ever since," Thor finished as everyone fell into silence, digesting the whole story.

"What does this story have to do with anything?" Sam asked while Tony's eyes widened in realisation.

"You think this story refers to Kara," Tony said while Thor shrugged.

"I have my suspicions but I'm not sure since it is a story after all," he replied before standing up and walking away, leaving them all in their thoughts.

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