encountering a cosplayer

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"This kid is basically a ghost. She has no school records to track her with. And no social media. What young adult doesn't have social media? Or isn't even seen on security cameras?" Tony ranted over his comm as he flew over Manhattan.

"Apparently, her," Clint mused, perched over one of the buildings, looking out for her.

"I have my sight on her, but I keep losing it. It's as if she knows we're after her," Steve reported, running after her.

"I've got my eyes on her too. I'll trap her from one side. Steve, you trap her from another," Natasha suggested while Steve agreed.

A few seconds later, Natasha swore loudly into her comm, resulting in Steve shouting language.

"We both have lost sight of her. Sam, Wanda. What about you two?" Steve asked them.

"Negative, Cap. Neither of us have found her," Sam reported, walking beside Wanda, both in their civilian clothes, blending within the crowd.

"I have my eyes on her, Capsicle. I'm going in," Tony said, flying towards her.

"Alright, keep her occupied. We'll meet you there," Steve replied.


She had managed to lose them all through the busy streets.

"Kara Legend," a robotic voice called out as a man wearing a yellow and red metal suit, landed in front of her with a rumbling noise. The slits in his mask where his eyes were, glowed with blue light as did the small circle in the centre of his chest plate.

Scratch that. She had managed to lose most of them.

"What do you want?" Kara asked, irritation laced in her tone.

"I need you to come with me," he replied while Kara looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Look, metal person, I don't know what book or movie you're cosplaying for, but i'm not following you to ComicCon. So, if you'd just let me through, it would be deeply appreciated," she said.

"One, I'm not a cosplayer. Second, have you never heard of me? I'm Iron Man," Tony said in a proud tone while she shook her head.

"Tony Stark? Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?" He listed without missing a beat, his helmet retracting back into his suit, showing his face, while she looked at him blankly. He reminded her of a certain son of Hephaestus, but she shook those thoughts out of her head.

"Been busy these past few years. You haven't answered my question though, what do you want?" Kara asked again.

"I'd like you to join the Avengers," he offered proudly as if it was a huge honour.

"Why?" She asked calmly.

"For one, you have great powers—" Tony was cut off when Kara immediately shook her head.

"No, not why you want me. I know what I'm capable of. But why should I bother?" She asked him while he was shocked into silence.

Kara waited a second for a response before speaking again.

"I'm going to go with no," she said, starting to walk away.

"Stop," he ordered, halting her in her tracks.

"I don't want to be an Avenger or whatever. Go recruit some other person. I have places to be," Kara said, flicking her hand dismissively over her shoulder as she walked away.

She didn't want to join? As much as Tony didn't want to get stuck with another kid, he was incredibly insulted. It was a once in a lifetime choice to join, one that literally thousands of people wrote to them about, begging them to let them in. So who was this person to just throw this opportunity away?

"Hold it kid," Tony said, trying to stifle the snarl in his tone as Kara stopped again and turned around towards him.

"You're really going to throw away an opportunity of a lifetime here? Working with us will have a bigger impact on the world than whatever anything you could possibly ever do in your life. How selfish can you be? Working beside us? You could be saving the world," Tony emphasised while Kara's eyes flashed darkly with amusement.

"You don't know anything about me. Go and. Find. Another. Pawn." She snarled, levelling him with a glare that scared the billionaire out of his mind.

Dark and shattered, raging aqua green eyes bored into his own brown ones, promising something terrible as he flinched under her deadly gaze in defeat while she smirked in victory.

"Have a nice day," and with that Kara walked away from Tony, leaving him dumbfounded.

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