the old grandmas love messing with my life

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 "You're the champion of the Creator of the Universe?" Bruce asked incredulously as Kara slowly nodded in response. 

"And you never thought of sharing this before with us because?" Tony questioned while Kara shrugged. 

"It didn't seem important." The billionaire gave her an 'are you kidding me' look. 

"So let me get this straight, you're supposed to battle this 'champion' of End, who was the hooded figure you fought a while ago, to death?" Clint asked for clarification. 

"Pretty much," she replied dully. 

"Lovely," he muttered. 

"You seem to be familiar with who the champion of End is," Natasha commented as Kara's eyes flashed darkly for a split second. 

Before the daughter of Poseidon could reply, a bright flash appeared in the middle of the social room. When the light died down, the three Fates themselves stood there, all staring at Kara with narrowed eyes. 

"What the hell?! Who are they?" Tony asked in bewilderment. 

"The Fates themselves," Thor answered in shock, baffled by the beings standing in front of him. 

Kara glared murderously at the old grandmas, marching up to them before grabbing the middle Fate, Clotho, roughly by her shirt and pulling her closer, their faces inches apart, the daughter of Poseidon barely able to control her anger towards them. 

"You knew! You knew I'd be part of another goddamn prophecy. You knew, I'd have to face him! Haven't you had enough?" Kara spat. "I am not going to be part of another one! Not again." 

"It's your destiny to fight the son of Perses in order to defeat End and save both mortals and immortals alike from the Primordial of destruction's rule, daughter of Poseidon." The champion of Chaos abruptly let go of Clotho before stepping back. 

"Why is it my job to save everyone? Why is all the pressure always on my shoulders, huh? I'm sick and tired of being played like a pawn! I didn't ask to help you or be part of another prophecy. You have already ruined my life! All I wanted was to have a peaceful life, which I yearned for thousands of years! But here I am, standing in front of you Fates, again, who think I'm the only one that can save everyone. Well, guess what? You can't save everyone! I learnt that the hard way," Kara shouted at them, straining every fibre of herself from killing the Fates in front of her. 

"You cannot ignore this prophecy, champion of Chaos. There'll be grave consequences," the Fates hissed, making the daughter of Poseidon scoff. 

"Oh really? My life has already been ruined by you three. Everyone I have loved has been ripped away from me. How can you possibly make it worse, huh?" The Fates didn't answer her. 

"Your participation in this prophecy will not only affect you, Kara Legend, but the whole Universe, mortals and immortals alike." They gestured towards Thor and the other Avengers, who were all staring at the Fates as if they just saw their whole life flash before their eyes. 

"You are destined to fight the champion of End sooner or later whether you like it or not for Chaos to win against End, it's not your choice. You know what you have to do," they hissed before disappearing. 

Kara clenched her fist tightly before storming out of the room while the Avengers snapped out of their shock. 

"Did Legend just decline the Fates to save the whole Universe and not be the hero? Tony asked incredulously. "Did I mention the whole Universe bit?" 

"I wouldn't blame her after everything she's been through," Thor remarked but Tony wasn't satisfied. 

"She just straight out refused to be the saviour of the whole Universe," he pointed out. "Isn't that the opposite of what we're trying to do, to save people?" 

"She probably has good reasons to reject the offer," Wanda defended her. 

Tony turned his attention to her. "And since when did you two become buddies? Last I checked, Legend was cold towards pretty much everyone, including you." 

"Maybe because I'm not afraid or intimidated by her unlike you, Stark," Wanda retorted. 

Tony scoffed. "Oh really? You sure it's not because you—" 

"Enough, both of you," Steve interfered, stopping their bickering from escalating. "That decision is between Kara and those three ladies. It's not our business to get involved between them." 

Everyone slowly nodded in agreement while Tony and Wanda kept glaring hard at each other. 

"It's been a long and ... interesting day for everyone. Why don't we all ignore whatever just happened right now and get some rest." Everyone nodded, walking their own ways. 

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