guess we have to live with the consequences

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The daughter of Poseidon sat on the rooftop of the Avengers tower, her feet dangling off the edge, enjoying the peace and silence as a calm breeze of wind blew against her face.

Kara took out a pen from her pocket, holding it before her. It was one of the only things she had left of him. It was funny, owing your life to an object so simple. It had saved his life countless times and far more than any one object could.

The pen sword was a very poetic way to flip the bird to those who said that the pen was more mightier than the sword, making her smile slightly at the thought. She closed her eyes, twirling the pen around in her hand, reliving all those happy moments with him.

But in the back of her mind, her conversation with Melinoe a couple days ago, kept nagging her. What did she mean by her master? Was another powerful deity rising? And how many more were there that had sworn allegiance to her so called master?

Kara's eyes snapped open when she felt another presence beside her and turned to see Wanda sitting next to her, who was smiling sheepishly at her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you," Wanda said.

"What are you doing up this late in the night?" Kara asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I could ask you the same question," Wanda retorted.

Kara smiled slightly. "Touché."

"I often come up here during this time when I can't sleep. It just calms me," Wanda answered while Kara nodded in agreement.

They both sat in silence for a while.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" Wanda asked, glancing at Kara, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"For almost drowning you," Kara said.

"You had your reasons. Besides, it was my fault for trying to look into your mind in the first place."

The light-brown haired witch was silent for a moment.

"What did you mean by your mind being too dark for me?" Wanda asked and she swore that she saw Kara's eyes glow a fiery shade of colour for a split second.

The witch watched as the daughter of Poseidon didn't reply, but instead kept twirling a pen in her hands. It was a regular ballpoint pen that you'd buy for like fifty cents but Wanda knew it was precious to her. After a few seconds had passed, she realised that Kara wouldn't answer her question so she changed the subject.

"Thank you though for snapping us all out of that sorceress' control."

"Your welcome," Kara replied simply.

"May I ask who Percy is?" Wanda blurted out while Kara flinched at his name.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to answer. My curiosity just got the better of me."

The daughter of Poseidon gazed up at the stars that were twinkling brightly in the cloudless sky.

"Percy," Kara started, pausing for a second. "He was my blood. He was the better half of me. He was my younger brother."

The daughter of Poseidon didn't know why she was opening up to Wanda but she felt like she could trust her.

"I also had a twin brother, Pietro. We were inseparable. He was my other half too, my only blood, but he died almost a year ago," Wanda said quietly.

Kara wasn't a fan of contact but she squeezed Wanda's hand reassuringly, understanding her pain.

"I'm sorry," the demigod replied softly.

"I just wish sometimes if I could've been next to him before he died, I could've saved him and he would've still been alive. He would've been with me," Wanda said.

"Did Thor tell you about a story of the so called great hero that led the Greeks and Romans into a war?" Kara asked while Wanda nodded, confused as to how she knew.

"Yeah, well, that so called hero was me," she stated as Wanda's eyes widened.

"I was the one that led them all to their deaths. I was the great hero that could only stand there helplessly and watch in horror as all my loved ones died before my eyes. I was the one that snapped and made my enemy, the Earth Mother herself, fade into nothingness. And you know what made it worse?" The daughter of Poseidon paused for a second.

"I am supposed to be this all powerful champion of the Creator of the Universe and the one who bears this great deal of power that could allow me to do anything, but right when I needed to rely on my powers the most, they failed me," Kara said grimly.

Wanda had lost her brother, but Kara? She had lost everyone. The pain of losing one was unbearable, but everyone? She could only imagine how worse it would be for the demigod.

"You know, I found out that I was a demigod when I was nine. And for millennials, I was a soldier. An assassin. I fought endless wars and watched countless of my friends and loved ones die around me. And when I finally left that world, I thought I'd be free. But the truth is, I wasn't. I never will be. Every single day, the consequences of my actions haunt my thoughts; If I had done something differently, would they still be alive today? But sometimes, all we have to do is just live with those consequences, even if they tear you apart on the inside," Kara said solemnly.

Wanda now understood why Kara was so closed off and why she had said that her mind was too dark for her. It was because of everything she'd been through.

She could now see through the demigod's sarcastic, dark and brooding facade, and saw that she was just another ordinary person, who was tired from everything and had been broken beyond repair from carrying the pain and guilt of her past.

Kara stood up. "It's two am. You should get some sleep." 

She offered a hand to Wanda, who accepted it and pulled her up to her feet.

"I guess I'll see you in the morning. Good night." And with that she walked away, leaving Wanda alone on the rooftop with her thoughts.

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