elevator's not worthy

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Almost everyone had forgotten about the argument between Kara and Thor that had happened days ago. Steve was really happy to have a morning run partner who could keep up with him, not that Sam wasn't good company. 

Both Steve and Kara were half way through another lap when an alert beeped on Steve's phone, signalling them both to come back to the tower as soon as they could, making them both pick up their speed and reach the building in no time.

When Kara approached the elevator, her breath started to quicken as it always did whenever she entered it. Flashbacks of Tartarus and fighting her way through the hordes of creatures to get to the Doors of Death began flashing across her mind. She struggled a bit to keep her expression blank and even her breathing.

A warm hand landed on her shoulder.

"Hey Kara, you okay?" Steve's voice registered in her mind slowly.

Kara had almost forgot that he was beside her all this time and took a deep breath before answering in a strained voice.

"Yeah. I'm fine," she gritted out in response.

But in reality, she wasn't a huge fan of elevators.

Not after the war.

His blue eyes stared at her dull ocean ones in worry but she just flashed him a forced smile before stepping over the threshold. She gripped the handle so tightly, that she was afraid the bar might break. The elevator music sounded sinister to Kara's ears, and she practically hear the rattling screeches and howls that she'd listened to when she'd held the Doors of Death shut.

Her chest tightened at the flashback.

The doors opened with a sudden ding and she walked out of the elevators as quickly as she possibly could without shaking. Kara quickly composed herself before following Steve to the main room, but only Fury was there.

"Where's everyone else?" Kara asked him.

"Central Park. There's been reports of disturbances in that area and the rest went to check it out, but haven't reported back yet," Fury replied.

"And you want us to check it out?" Steve asked as the director nodded.

Kara and Steve both exchanged glances, nodding, and Steve quickly wore his suit on and grabbed his shield before Kara shadow travelled both of them to an empty Central Park.

Steve glanced around his surroundings. "There's no one here."

"Something feels off," Kara said, summoning Riptide.

There was a powerful aura around them that Kara couldn't quite place, as she inspected the surroundings, when out of nowhere, sharp claws swiped at her but she managed to sidestep and stab her sword in an empousa's side, making it explode into dust while Steve was watching her, wide-eyed by what had just happened.

"Steve, go and find everyone. I'll take care of it here," Kara said.


"Trust me," Kara cut him off while Steve reluctantly agreed and ran off to find the rest as the demigod turned to face the hellhounds and empousas that now had appeared out of nowhere and in front of her.

The monsters snarled and growled ferociously at Kara and lunged for her but the daughter of Poseidon was quick, leaving deadly gashes on each one of them in a blink of an eye as they all exploded into dust, but more kept on charging, confusing her but she kept on fighting.

Soon there were no monsters left, just golden dust all around her in the air and the ground. Sensing something was incredibly off, her demigodly sixth sense buzzing off crazily, Kara shadow travelled to where she felt Steve was but came face to face with something impossible, which was saying something.

That messy black hair. That mischievous smile. Those sea green eyes. It was him.

"How could you Kara?" He asked her from a couple of feet away while Kara stood there, frozen in shock.

"You let us all die. You failed us. You failed me! How could you Kara? You didn't save any of us. I thought you loved me, sister," the raven-black haired eighteen year-old shouted and Kara felt herself unable to speak, the guilt and pain tearing inside of her again.

"I-I'm so sorry Percy," Kara croaked out above a whisper as Percy walked towards her. "I know, it should've been me. I should've died instead. I'm so sorry I let you all die."

"That's right. You failed them. And now you will suffer for it, hero," Percy placed his hand on her shoulder and her vision blacked out.

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