les memories

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Wanda was refereeing a competitive game of volleyball between Clint, Natasha, Sam and Steve, Tony and Bruce were babbling away on some science project and Thor was lying in the shade of the trees, letting himself heal, while Kara sat at the shoreline.

The ocean waves blended in through the sand, fading to gentle ripples that rolled up to where the daughter of Poseidon sat and crept across her bare feet. The salty spray always seemed to cool her down. Her mind couldn't help but roam back to the thought of another war waging, especially one with an even more powerful deity whose power rivalled the Creator of the Universe herself.

Kara was tired of all the wars. She was tired of all the deaths, tired of the guilt and pain from the aftermath of those wars. Maybe the Fates would have some pity on her and she could finally die in this war and join Percy—


She promised him that she'd keep fighting for him, fighting for all the demigods that had sacrificed their lives. A small chuckle escaped her lips as she remembered his goofy and mischievous smile whenever he did his usual dumb and stupid stuff, making her join him and both of them ending up getting scolded by both Annabeth and Silena.

The smile faded from Kara's face as she felt herself get sucked into the flashbacks of the wars. It was funny how the memories you cherished the most became your worst enemy afterwards. The memories that you loved to think about, it suddenly seemed a lot more safer to lock them up in a box, far away from the light of the day and throw away the key.

Wanda glanced at Kara, who was about fifty metres away from them, and recognised that dull look in the demigod's sea green eyes. It was the same look soldiers got after a battle. She saw the same expression in Steve's eyes many times.

The thought of losing everyone in your life was one of her worst nightmares. She had felt it when Pietro had died, but Steve and the rest of the Avengers had helped her through it, and now she was part of a family. A dysfunctional one, but a family nonetheless. And she couldn't be more grateful about it.

Clint and Natasha were in the lead against Sam and Steve by five points. Wanda knew they didn't need a referee anymore for the game so she walked towards Kara, sitting beside her, but the demigod was too lost in her flashbacks to acknowledge Wanda beside her.

Wanda sat there quietly beside her, her eyebrows scrunching into a frown when she saw Kara's eyes dull even further, if that was even possible, and her facial expression displayed that she was in some sort of mental torture or something.

The light-brown haired witch gently grasped Kara's arm, to try to snap the demigod out of whatever she was experiencing and to see if she was alright, but a memory, it seemed more of a nightmare to Wanda, from Kara's mind reached her vision.

There were people, young people, dressed in shining, metal armour and brandishing sharp weapons as they charged across a very expansive field, their mouths opening in a silent battle cry. They met hordes of horrible monsters in the center of the field which made Wanda wonder if she'd accidentally shown herself one of her biggest fears.

Some monsters were scaly, some humanoid, and some were dozens of feet tall. They were horrible, covered in slimy skin and greasy hair that clung to their skins just like their tattered clothes. They were savage. Some of them only charged into battle with pointing fangs sticking out of their mouths or their razor sharp claws extended while others possessed deadly sharp weapons.

Kara must've been standing on a hill since the sight was from a higher elevation, as if she was overlooking the battle. There were hundreds, if not, thousands of monsters on each side.

Wanda snapped out of the memory with a gasp, as did Kara.

The daughter of Poseidon looked at her wide-eyed and in shock. "How'd you—"

"I have no idea. You looked like you were in pain, so I tried to snap you out of it and then that happened," Wanda answered, her green eyes troubled by what she just saw.

They both sat in tense silence.

"Thank you for snapping me out of it," Kara said finally, staring out into the ocean horizon.

"Was that the war Thor talked about?" Wanda asked curiously, making Kara tense before nodding.

"Your fight against Thor was amazing though," Wanda said, trying to change subject.

Kara cracked a small smile. "And I see you managed to obtain a hundred dollars from our duel."

The light-brown haired witch smiled sheepishly at the demigod.

Wanda was interesting to Kara. She wasn't sure if it was because she had powers somewhat similar to her or if she could somewhat relate to the pain she was going through.

"You're not scared of me like a few others," Kara noted quietly.

Wanda raised her eyebrows, a confused look passing over her face. "Why would I be?"

Kara struggled to find an answer so she just shrugged, staring at the ocean before sensing a powerful aura, making her eyebrows furrow.

Wanda glanced at her, confused to her sudden change of expression. "What is it?"

Kara didn't reply, instead she stood up warily, her eyes glancing around the beach for any threat. The waves had started to crash violently on the shore as dark clouds began to form above them, lightning threatening to strike any moment.

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