zip, zap, zapped

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Kara's eyes snapped open as she got into a sitting position on her bed. She glanced at the clock which resided on her bedside table.

10 a.m.

She stood up and stretched before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After a couple of minutes, dressed in a dark sea green t-shirt and black pants, the demigod headed towards the kitchen for breakfast, where she saw all the Avengers already seated there.

Kara silently took a seat next to Thor, who was happily munching on his waffles and Wanda, who sent a small smile in her direction to which she returned. The daughter of Poseidon took a few waffles for herself before digging into it.

The lines of the prophecy and her conversation with Chaos kept replaying in her head. The demigod was so lost in thinking about the prophecy that she didn't hear Tony ask her a question until Wanda nudged her slightly, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"What is it, Stark?" Kara grunted, annoyance laced in her tone.

Tony had a slight glint in his eyes. "You and Thor should have a friendly duel against each other."

Kara raised her eyebrow. "Why?"

"To see which one is more powerful." No one said it out loud, but everyone was dying to find out which one of them was more powerful.

Thor turned to Kara. "What do you say, lady Kara? Son of Odin verses the daughter of Poseidon."

The daughter of Poseidon had nothing better to do so she agreed. "Sure."

"The beach sounds like a good spot. There's clear sky for Thor and water for Kara." Both Thor and Kara nodded.

"The duel ends when either one is beat up or seriously injured or surrenders," Clint added.

As they all reached a quiet and deserted beach, the Avengers were bickering and placing bets on which of the two would win.

"I'm with Thor. He's the god of thunder. What do you think, Steve?" Sam stated.

"I think Kara might win. She knocked us all out with ease. Twice might I add, but I'm not sure," Steve pointed out.

"Nah, my money's on pointbreak. I bet a hundred dollars that he'll win for sure. His dad is literally the king of the gods. What about you, Legolass?" Tony asked.

"I don't know. I'm going to go with neither," Clint replied as Natasha agreed with him.

"Aww man, so no one's going to bet against me? Where's the fun in that?" Tony asked the rest as they all watched Thor and Kara get ready.

"I'll bet a hundred dollars against you that Kara will win, Stark," Wanda spoke up with a playful glint in her eyes, making him turn his attention to her.

She was one of the last people the billionaire expected to bet against him.

Tony smirked. "It's on, Maximoff."

Thor and Kara stood along the coast, about five metres apart. The rest of the Avengers kept a long distance away, expecting that there was going to be a lot of lightning and huge waves. None of them wanted to drown or get electrocuted.

Thor swung Mjolnir a couple of times before holding the hammer in front of him, pointing it at the daughter of Poseidon. Kara watched as Thor got ready before twisting her ring, watching Riptide grow into a three foot sword and readied herself too.

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