city of flames

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The streets were covered in cars, empty ones, when the Avengers arrived near where the explosion was detected. Civilians were running away as other explosions blew the asphalt of the street. 

A frantic pack of people ran up to the street level from the subway entrance as a pack of hellhounds chased them up the stairs, ready to tear them.

It was chaos everywhere. The streets were filled with fleeing civilians with predatory monsters chasing after them. The sun was almost completely down now, covering the city in darkness.

A Humvee jeep roared up, the gunner on the top unloading the machine gun into the pack of incoming monsters. The bullets went straight through the pack, doing absolutely nothing. Arrows shot from Clint struck a Cyclops in the chest just before it barrelled into the jeep, evaporating into golden dust.

It was a good thing Kara had enchanted everyone's weapons to be able to harm any of the monsters they came across or else it would've just gone through the monstrous creatures like the bullets earlier.

But that wasn't the most shocking thing in front of them.

Half of Central Park burned in bright, dark amethyst flames while the other half burned in a luminescent aquatic fire. It would've looked beautiful at night if not for the two figures standing in the middle of the chaos.

A male figure stood in the centre of the purple fire while a female figure reflected his actions, standing in the aquatic fire.

The boy was blonde, around his mid-twenties, and wielded a massive bronze greatsword which shone like the fire that surrounded him, his eyes burning with fury and rage, with hints of hazel-gold, magenta and azure glowing within them.

The girl was around the same age and her hair was darker than pitch midnight, wielding a gleaming silver sword that glowed a sea green blaze. Her eyes illuminated an aquatic inferno, just like the fire that burned around her, with specks of gold, onyx and fiery-orange in them.

The Avengers recognised the two figures as Kara and Drake. The two champions were glowing with power. Literally. They were a blur to the Avengers as they fought, striking blows after blows to one another.

Melinoe appeared in front of the Avengers alongside two other figures. The man on her right had dirty brown hair and onyx eyes, gleaming with power while the woman on her left had dirty blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes and a smirk on her face.

Kratos, the god of strength and power and Até, the goddess of mischief and delusion stood in front of them beside Melinoe. And before they knew it, they were engaged in combat with the three deities in front of them.


"You can still do the right thing Drake. I know that there is a good person in you," Kara desperately pleaded, dodging a swipe from the champion of End.

"It's too late to go back." Their swords collided against each other with a clang, the sheer force knocking the two back slightly.

Drake caught Kara off guard, disarming her and kicked her back roughly. Before the daughter of Poseidon could regain her balance, he slashed at her shin, earning a grunt of pain from her as she fell to a knee.

"I know you're still in there, Drake, I believe in you. It's never too late," Kara panted out.

Drake growled, throwing his fists at Kara, striking her punch after punch but she didn't fight him back, making him more infuriated.

"Why won't you fight back?!" He roared at her.

Kara swiped her hand against her mouth, trying to stop the blood that was seeping out of it. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

The champion of End landed a powerful punch to his once best friend, knocking the air out of her lungs before grabbing her and throwing her across the ground. Kara gasped for breath, struggling to get air in her lungs, groaning as her back landed roughly against the hard pavement.

Drake's eyes glowed a dark magenta shade. "Gods dammit, Kara! Fight back!"

Kara let out a chuckle despite the pain she was in as she stumbled to regain her balance, feeling lightheaded from the blows she had been inflicted with.

"You're still as hot headed as I remember all those years ago."

This only further enraged the son of Perses as he delivered a roundhouse kick to her face. Kara's vision turned blurry and her ears started ringing as her face slammed against the ground, making her cough out blood.

"It was never your fault," the champion of Chaos managed to mumble out in between her coughs. "I forgive you."

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