who would've thought thor was a fanboy?

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All the Avengers stopped what they were doing by the sudden change of weather and stared at Thor and Kara, who both were on high alert.

"Something isn't right," Kara said as Wanda stood up beside her while thunder rumbled above them, making them turn to Thor, who held his hands up defensively as if to say it wasn't him.

Thunder rumbled again, but this time it was more powerful as both Thor's and Kara's eyes widened.

"Take cover!" Kara yelled, making everyone dive for cover as huge streaks of lightning struck in front them.

"What the hell is happening?" Tony yelled. "Pointbreak, if this is you messing with us—"

"It's not me," Thor yelled, cutting the billionaire off. "It's another powerful being."

The daughter of Poseidon turned to the shore to see a massive wave heading straight towards her and Wanda. Kara shoved the light-brown haired witch into the sand, hovering protectively above her as the huge wave crashed above them. 

Kara struggled to will the wave to her command, making her realise that another immortal was nearby and was controlling the wave, before using all her power to break through, sending the wave of sea water back to the ocean.

The demigod shakily stood back up, panting heavily and glanced to see Thor also struggling to control the lightning that struck all around them before turning her attention back to the light-brown haired witch, offering her a hand.

Wanda stared at the demigod curiously and in confusion before accepting it as she was pulled to her feet. Even with the sand plastered across Wanda's face and hair, Kara had to admit that she was beautiful.

Another streak of lightning struck behind the two as Thor was knocked back by the force.

"Go and protect the rest. I'll help Thor," Kara said before sprinting towards the god of thunder, helping him stand up.

"Ah, Thor Odinson and Kara Legend. I must admit, I underestimated you two," a voice said as both Kara and Thor glanced around warily to see who spoke before a male figure walked out of the ocean.

He had dark brown hair, tan skin and stormy blue eyes that stared at the two with mild interest.

"Aigaios," Kara snarled, realising who stood in front of them. "The titan of sea storms."

"That's right, champion of Chaos," the Titan said while Thor raised his eyebrows and stared at Kara in shock.

"You're the champion of the Creator of the Universe?" He asked incredulously.

"Now's not the time to fanboy, Thor," Kara gritted out, summoning Riptide before glaring harshly at Aigaios.

"Why are you here?"

The titan smirked. "Well, you see, I've been ordered to get rid of you."

"You're working for End," Kara said as his smile faded.

"Yes, and I'm not going to fail him like Melinoe did," Aigaios snarled before summoning another lightning strike towards the two as they both managed to roll away in time.

The daughter of Poseidon recovered first, lunging straight towards the titan, who blocked her strike with his trident, that had appeared out of nowhere.

Aigaios attacked the two with a flurry of thrusts and stabs but Kara was quick, never standing in one place for too long for the titan to land a strike.

The titan slowed his attack and waited for Kara to attack. When she did, he sidestepped, dodging the attack before landing a hard kick to her stomach, sending her flying back several feet away.

Aigaios grunted in pain as Mjolnir struck him in the torso, causing him to lose his balance. The titan glanced at the daughter of Poseidon, who struggled to get air in her lungs before fixing his gaze on Thor, raising his trident up in the air as a huge wave of seawater slammed against the god of thunder and the daughter of Poseidon, trying to drown the two.

The Avengers tried their best to help Thor and Kara but a huge wall of water was preventing them to aid the two.

Kara tried to control the water around herself and Thor but was having difficulty doing so as panic started to spread through her and her vision began to blur. Water began to fill her lungs.

How ironic, she thought. The daughter of the sea drowning in water, her own domain.

The champion of Chaos felt a painful tug in her gut as she let out an ear-piercing scream, shaking the ground below them. Kara stood back up on her feet, allowing her powers to pulse, sending all the water around her into the air before slamming it back into the titan. Her eyes began to glow and burn a dark aqua-green shade with such immense intensity.

She summoned Riptide as it reflected the light from the aquatic fire burning in her eyes. Her mind was clouded with rage as she kept striking Aigaios blow after blow, who struggled to keep up with her attacks.

Kara willed a huge wave of water and slammed it hard against the titan, forcing him to his knees.

"Let's see if a sea titan can drown, shall we?" Kara said darkly, sending the seawater into Aigaios's lungs as he began to choke.

After a couple of minutes, she willed the water out of his lungs while he clawed his throat, gasping for breath. Kara took advantage of that and brought her sword down at the Titan, ready to send him back to Tartarus, when out of nowhere, a golden sword blocked her strike.

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