the final battle begins

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Kara's heart hammered against her ribcage and her breath was shallow. She'd inspected the perimeter about a hundred times over, so then why was she still so hesitant to move forward. The demigod knew she couldn't waste more time. She took a deep shaky breath and proceeded forward towards Central Park.

A cold, biting wind pushed its way through the demigod's jacket as the sun had finally set. Leaves rustled around her while she surveyed her surroundings. A few moments later, her eyebrows furrowed, growing unsettled and gripped onto her sword tightly.

Kara stopped suddenly, her eyes flitting around the clearing. The winds had stopped and the songs of the birds had disappeared. The daughter of Poseidon had the worst feeling of anticipation, one that usually struck her just before something really bad was about to happen.

Out of pure instinct, Kara covered her face with her arms. The earth violently exploded, sending a massive shockwave that lifted the demigod off her feet. She went flying through a park bench and several bushes with dirt and grass raining down from the sky.

The momentum carried her several more feet, her body rolling just in front of a fountain. Kara groaned and held her head in her hands, a shrill ringing in her ears blocking out any other sounds.

Her vision was blurry and unfocused, and she could feel blood on her face. It seeped from the side of her forehead. Her ears were greeted with the familiar sounds of warfare. Screams echoed, not just from the park, but even from the streets surrounding it.

Car horns were blaring as several helicopters buzzed past the park, their blades shaking the trees around the demigod. The ground in front of Kara had collapsed after the explosion, leaving a large hole that spanned around fifteen metres in every direction.

Monsters of all kinds were beginning to claw from the depths; Cyclopes, dracaenas, empousas, hellhounds and many more. Kara managed to get back up to her feet and stretched her hand to the earth.

She practically radiated darkness as dozens and dozens of skeletons wearing armour clawed their way from the earth, their jaws clattering as they created a semi-circle between her and the incoming monsters.

"Hold them off!" Kara commanded.

The monsters collided with the skeletons like a tidal wave. Bones flew through the air as they were torn apart. A huge Cyclops swung a tree trunk like a golf club, pummelling a majority of the trees. A couple of the undead soldiers got a few good hits, but they were quickly overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

Kara turned, her eyes widening as she focused onto the top of a nearby building, roughly fifteen metres high. Atop of the building stood Drake, wearing shining gold armour, wielding the sword of End and radiating power. His hazel-gold eyes scanned the battlefield, a sly smile adorning his face.

Then almost as if he felt the daughter of Poseidon looking, he turned his glare on her, his smile turning into a snarl. Kara suddenly felt dread bubbling inside of her. The final battle had begun, and there was no way to determine who'd win the war unless one of them died.

Both the champions knew what they had to do. They glared at each other, gripping their respective swords tightly before charging each other, the ground below them rumbling as their swords clashed.


Peter's mouth was dry after the end of his story. Tony and the rest of the Avengers were staring at him analytically as he reported the events of the past day.

"You met Kara and fought killer metal bird monsters beside her," Steve stated for clarification, his arms crossed, while Peter nodded tiredly.

Tony opened his mouth to speak when the floor below their feet rumbled, making them all jump up in alarm.

"What's happening?!" Sam questioned.

"FRIDAY, what is going on?" Tony called out.

"An explosion was detected in Central Park," the AI's voice boomed.

Something outside the glass windows caught Natasha's eye, making her eyes widen.

"Guys," they all turned to the redhead. "Look out the window."

The Avengers turned to the window to see city in front of them were filled with hordes of monsters as they chased around civilians, obliterating everything that came in their path.

"The prophecy," Thor stated, his eyes displaying fear. "The battle has begun."

"We need to help stop this mess from rising further," Clint said as everyone nodded.

"And we'll need to cover ground fast," Steve continued, his gaze lingering on Tony. "The civilians can't defend themselves for long."

Tony nodded. "Let's get moving then."

"Avengers, suit up."

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