it's not everyday you get to meet a ghost

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Kara knew something wasn't right, managing to snap out of her nightmares before coming face to face with Percy again but his eyes were now glowing golden instead of his usual sea green colour.

"You said hero, and you said 'failed them', not fail me," the daughter of Poseidon recalled as panic began to etch across Percy's face.

"Melinoe," Kara snarled, feeling herself break out of the goddess' control.

"Yes, Kara. I am Melinoe, goddess of nightmares and ghosts," the goddess said as she shifted from ghost Percy to her true form. 

Half of her body was as pale as chalk while the other half was pitch black, like all the blood had drained from her body.

Kara's eyes darkened considerably and started to shake with barely restraint power. "How dare you take his form! How dare you take Percy's form!"

Anger erupted inside of the daughter of Poseidon. Literally. Aquatic flames burned inside her eyes and the darkness around her rippled dangerously.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the goddess' control weaken on all the other Avengers that were also under her trance.

Melinoe quickly whirled around, bringing her dagger in a deadly arc to stab the demigod in front of her. Much to everyone's shock, the goddess' dagger stopped centimetres away from Kara, frozen mid-attack.

Melinoe's face contorted with pain, her eyes wide in agony. A couple of seconds passed as she stood there frozen before she collapsed to the ground, gasping and coughing. Her form quivered in shock before she stood up defiantly on shaky legs.

"What did you do to me," the goddess demanded while Kara chuckled sadistically.

"Do you like it?" She asked darkly. "It's a little something I used in Tartarus. Being a daughter of Poseidon means I can control all kinds of liquids."

"I had to endure Akhlys simply to escape. She splashed poison all over me when I came across her. Agonising really, but not the worst pain I've felt. And there in that moment, I snapped again. I used everything I had around me and the poison responded, peeling itself off of my body and flying towards the misery goddess. I made Misery feel misery," Kara said casually while Melinoe's face slowly became more horrified. 

"But I'm feeling generous today. Tell me why you're here and you won't suffer the same wrath I inflicted on Akhlys." Kara grinned sadistically at the now terrified goddess of nightmares.

After a few seconds, Melinoe screamed in pain again. "You have five more seconds to answer."

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you, just please stop," the goddess croaked out while Kara smiled in victory and stopped, waiting for her answer.

"My-my master s-sent me to-to get rid of you," she choked out while the daughter of Poseidon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Master? Who's your master?" Kara demanded while the goddess shook her head.

"I don't know. He hasn't told any of us."

"'Us'? What do you mean by us?" Kara demanded while Melinoe's eyes widened in fear at her slip up.

The daughter of Poseidon went to ask again when the goddess of nightmares smiled and began to disappear. Kara lunged forward with Riptide but Melinoe had vanished into thin air before her sword could strike her.

Kara cursed loudly before locking eye contact with Thor, who had managed to fully shake himself out of his nightmare that Melinoe had inflicted on them all while the others were still recovering.

"It's you," he simply said, making her look at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You were the great hero that fell into Tartarus, the one who led the Greeks and Romans into the Giant War, and the one who made Gaea fade into nothingness," Thor said in realisation while Kara's eyes darkened again but only nodded.

"I thought it was just a story. Oh how wrong I was."

Kara turned her attention to the rest of the Avengers who still weren't fully back to their senses. She summoned the shadows around herself as they engulfed everyone, making them all disappear and reappear back at the tower.

Before Thor could ask anything else, Kara disappeared into the shadows to somewhere else to try and get rid of the nightmares that had plagued her mind a while ago and the guilt and pain that had started tearing her apart again.

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