i talk to the ceiling

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"I am an offspring of those Gods. We're called demigods or half-bloods. Half-mortal, half-god," Kara stated.

"You're kidding right? You're just pulling our leg?" Bruce asked incredulously while Kara rolled her eyes.

"I'm not lying. You just refuse to see the truth lying in front of you," she commented.

"You're sitting in the presence of two divine beings. It has been a millennia since the last true interaction between the Asgardians and the Olympians upon the mortal plane. If you doubt my statement, Thor here will back me up," Kara gestured towards the Norse God, who vouched for her and nodded.

"So being the child of a god is what made you so good at fighting?" Tony asked her while she shook her head.

"I have better reflexes and I'm faster and stronger than mortals because of my godly heritage. But my combat skills were born out of survival. I trained and fought for my life, for years and years. Believe me when I say that when you're forced to fight for your life everyday, you get better and pretty good at it," Kara replied.

"So let me get this straight. You're descended from the Greek gods, not aliens but gods, and you kill monsters and have powers," Bruce clarified while she shrugged.

"That about sums it up."

"Who is your godly parent?" Tony asked.

"Poseidon," Natasha answered for him while Kara nodded.

"Yep. Poseidon, god of the seas, earthquakes, stormbringer and horses," she said while they all nodded.

"Why don't we see the monsters and how hasn't SHIELD not noticed them as a threat?" Fury asked.

"Mortals can't see through the Mist, which is this invisible barrier that separates our worlds, unless they're a demigod or clear sighted. It distorts your sight into something the mortal mind understands. For example, hellhounds which are the size of a tank looks like a poodle. The Mist is pretty much the mythological world's damage control, and besides, mortals don't have the best eyesight anyways. Most of them would rather be fooled than accept the terrifying truth, which is why SHIELD never noticed the monsters and why you don't see people panicking in the streets. Monsters usually aren't a threat to mortals anyways. They will ignore them most of the time. You guys just aren't important enough to be attacked," Kara answered.

"Hey! We're pretty important!" Tony retorted but she ignored him.

"So yeah, that's why you have pretty much nothing about me," she said, as though she had never been interrupted by Tony while they all nodded slowly, taking in everything she had just said.

"Well then, you're officially an Avenger now," Steve said, smiling brightly at her to which she returned with a small smile.

"The meeting's over. I'll contact you all if there's any more missions. For now you're all free," Fury said before leaving the room.

"How about I give you a tour of the Avengers tower?" Tony offered Kara to which she accepted.

The tower's architecture was amazing. It had a futuristic touch to it and was sturdy, running off of clean energy. Kara sighed, remembering her. She felt her mind drift away and the memories that she had tried her best to keep deep down, resurfaced.

The twinkle in the daughter of Athena's eyes, that would show that a million gears were running at once in her mind, whenever she talked about architectural designs while Kara would sit there with her for hours alongside her brother, listening to her ramble on and on about all her ideas.

She was knocked back into reality when Tony spoke.

"So, what do you think?" He asked, gesturing around.

"It's great," she commented while he grinned.

"Capsicle already showed you your room which is on the left. Feel free to add whatever you want," Tony said.

"FRIDAY will inform you when dinner is," Clint informed.

"FRIDAY?" Kara questioned, turning to face him.

"My AI. Say hello, FRIDAY," Tony called out to empty space while Kara raised her eyebrow, looking at him as if he was crazy until a feminine voice responded from the ceiling.

"Hello, Ms. Legend. My name is FRIDAY. Feel free to call me whenever you need something," the ceiling said.

"Umm ... thank you? And call me Kara," she replied, feeling weird that she was talking to a ceiling.

"It is my pleasure Kara, and noted," FRIDAY replied.

Kara walked to her room and decided to decorate it a bit since she had nothing else to do. She closed her eyes, concentrating, before flicking her hands and smiled when she opened her eyes.

The walls were now a mix of silver and aqua, and the carpet was a sandy shade of colour, kind of making it like she was underwater. She opened her closet, seeing that her clothes were already arranged.

Perks of being a champion of Chaos, she smirked slightly.

Her breath hitched when she saw three framed pictures on the dresser table. She walked over to them and gently picked up the first one.

It was a picture of Percy and herself, his arm hanging loose around her neck and they both were laughing. The second one was after the second Titan War with all the cabin counsellors standing beside each other, smiling madly at the camera. The third one was of herself with the Seven, grinning like maniacs with arms hanging around each other's necks.

She placed all of them facing down on the dresser, avoiding having the memories starting to resurface again and sat down on her bed, thinking of the old times.

If she could've used a bit more of her powers, they could've been still alive. If she could've faced the Earth Mother herself, they could've been alive. Her mind was lost in the endless possibilities of what ifs.

She was jolted out of her thoughts by the ceiling speaking.

"Kara, Mr. Rogers wanted me to notify you that dinner was ready," FRIDAY announced.

Kara took a deep breath to calm herself before replying.

"Thank you. Tell them I'm coming."

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