another dam prophecy

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Kara kept tossing and turning in her bed, trying her best to get some sleep without the nightmares trying to plague her dreams. She had finally managed to catch some sleep at around four a.m.

The daughter of Poseidon was back in the Void, the home to Chaos, the Creator of the Universe; Standing in the throne room of Chaos' Palace and in front of the creator herself.

"Milady," Kara said, bowing to Chaos.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to bow to me, my champion?"

The demigod just smiled slightly at her.

"Why did you bring me here?" Kara asked.

"Straight to the point I see, as always," Chaos stated before turning serious.

"Another prophecy has been foretold."

Kara's eyes began to glow dangerously. "No."

Chaos sighed, knowing her champion would say that. "The Fates foretold it themselves, Kara. You cannot ignore them."

"The Fates have ruined my life countless times. I am not going to be part of another one of their prophecies," she spat.

"Kara, you and I both know that if you ignore the Fates, it will take a heavy toll on you, and you don't want that," Chaos warned.

"Oh, really? I have already lost everything. What else can they possibly do to make my life a living hell then it already is, huh?" Kara asked.

Chaos didn't answer but instead recited the prophecy that had been foretold.

A battle will wage on at the sacred lands,
Destinies that save or destroy the worlds,
A war that must be won at all odds,
Chaos and End come out to play through their heirs.
Champion of Cosmos' aura, one half of the Legendary blade shall dim,
But Chaos will strike End back,
And one Successor's soul shall fade to black

When Chaos finished recited, the daughter of Poseidon was as pale as chalk.

"It can't be though. End faded eons ago."

The Primordial shook her head.

"My brother is rising again, my champion, I can feel it. And from the prophecy, we can both see that he has already chosen his champion too," Chaos said grimly.

"So, there's a fifty percent chance that I will die by the champion of End's hand. Geez, I wonder why it was the Fates themselves that foretold this?" Kara said sarcastically before her eyes widened in realisation.

"It's End isn't it? He's Melinoe's master. He was the one that ordered her to get rid of me. He also knows of the prophecy."

"And he also knows that you're my champion, which means he could be one step ahead," Chaos pointed out.

"But what does it mean by the legendary blade?" Kara asked.

"The Sword of Chaos and the Sword of End are two of the most powerful blades in existence."

"One half of the legendary blade," Kara repeated. "I'm supposed to wield one of them while End's champion is to wield the other."

Chaos nodded. "You already are wielding the Sword of Chaos, Kara."

The daughter of Poseidon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Chaos pointed to her aqua-gemmed ring. "Riptide. I had infused my sword with Riptide before you were given the sword. Didn't you ever wonder how you could make any being fade with your sword?"

"I thought it was because of your blessing."

"Partially, but it was mainly because of the Sword of Chaos. Didn't you ever wonder why Gaea feared your sword so much? It was because she realised that you were wielding my sword." Chaos explained as Kara's eyes lit up in realisation.

"I'm afraid our time is nearly over, my champion. Please be careful of End. I know my brother very well and he'll do anything to get rid of his enemies and right now, you're on top on his list," Chaos warned while the demigod nodded.

"I will milady, don't worry."

"Oh, and Kara? You will get your happy ending. You just have to wait for it a little longer," Chaos said reassuringly as Kara began to disappear.

"I've waited for it for thousands of years milady, but now I've just lost hope," Kara muttered bitterly before fully disappearing, beginning to wake up in the mortal world.

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