night talks

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Wanda stepped out of the balcony of her room which she shared with the room next to hers. She was immediately hit with the wind, but it was warm and comforting. Apparently she wasn't the only one who needed some fresh air, for Kara was already out there, gripping her hands against the railings as she stared out at the city displayed in front of them.

The light-browned haired witch didn't know if the daughter of Poseidon wanted to be alone or not since she'd been avoiding everyone after their encounter with the Fates, so she decided with the first option, turning to leave when the demigod acknowledged her presence.

"It's a nice view isn't it," Kara stated, making the witch turn back towards her.

"It is," Wanda agreed, moving beside her, leaning her arms against the railings.

For a few moments, they both were silent, perfectly enthralled on soaking up the beauty of the city view in front of them which seemed so alive at night.

"The team hasn't taken my conversation with the Fates quite well yet, have they? " Kara commented finally.

Wanda looked amused. "What gave that away?"

A smile tugged at Kara's lips. "They say I'm quite observant."

The Scarlet Witch let out a laugh. It was a soft noise, and the way she threw her head slightly back made her seem even more beautiful in the demigod's eyes.

"Oh, I'm sure they do."

"It's just that having to learn about this whole Greek and Roman mythology also being real alongside being bombarded with this whole prophecy about the Creator of the Universe waging a war against her brother and you being one of their champions will take some time so sink in, especially after the Ultron fiasco—" Wanda cut herself off as she took a shaky breath.

Kara turned to Wanda, who's light brown locks blew softly in the wind and her green eyes were unfocused.

In that moment, Kara understood Wanda completely. She'd lost someone that day, it was obvious by the way her voice was filled with emotion. Her words were spoken quietly as if she was afraid to say it loudly.

Kara didn't have to tell her that it was her twin, somebody so close to her, that she'd lost that day for Kara could tell by the look on her face. The daughter of Poseidon saw the same look every time she looked in the mirror.

"I'm sorry," Kara stated quietly.

"No, no. It's okay," Wanda said, straightening up and facing the demigod. "I guess what I mean is that they'll come through, just give them some time."

"You don't want someone like me here," Kara told her.

Wanda looked perplexed. "You're being modest."

Kara shook her head. "I'm being truthful. I don't want you or the others to get hurt because of me."

They both were quiet for a moment before Wanda spoke. "The champion of End, you were close to him weren't you?"

Kara sighed, her tan fingers caressing the ocean-gemmed necklace in her hand that was hung around her necklace. "Yes."

The light-brown haired witch saw that the necklace that the daughter of Poseidon was clutching in her hand had the words Ocean's Wolf engraved on it. Wolf, that was what Drake had called her. The two obviously seemed to have history.

"We met during the first Titan War. Drake hated me at first since I was a demigod and he was a demi-titan as did his friends Hunter and Thea, who were also demi-titans, but throughout time I regained their trust and we got closer, becoming partners in battle. But then one day." Kara paused, her eyes getting hazy at the memory.

"Both him and Thea were ambushed by a group of demigods. The two managed to fight them off with ease but one of the demigods managed to strike Thea's blind side. Thea didn't see it coming but Drake did, pushing her to the side just in time as the sword pierced through his stomach. Hunter and I appeared too late to save him as we watched him die in Thea's arms."

"He was a hero. The Drake I just fought a few days ago wasn't the Drake I knew, he's changed and I plan on bringing him back." The daughter of Poseidon's eyes were filled with determination.

"Why exactly did you decline the Fates' offer?" Wanda asked curiously.

Kara let out a deep breath, letting go of the necklace as it hung around her neck. "I'm just sick and tired of saving everyone. Of being a hero. I know this might sound selfish, but I just wish to live my own life for once without any wars and without having to always be the hero. I just want one, one peaceful ending. Is that too much to ask for?"

Wanda placed a comforting hand over Kara's hand which gripped tightly onto the railings. "It isn't selfish."

Kara let out a dry laugh, thinking otherwise.

"You don't seem to be scared of dying as the prophecy foretold," Wanda stated.

A small sad smile tugged at the demigod's face. "I've lived for millennials, Wanda. Dying is always the easy part. The dead are at peace, but it's the real heroes who keep on going. I'm the only one who can stop End, and I know I have too, even if it means losing my life in the process."

Wanda frowned, shaking her head. "You're not gonna die, Kara. We won't let that happen. We'll help you beat End together. You will get to live your own life."

Kara was silent as she kept staring at the city view, trying to get rid of the thoughts that were plaguing her mind and instead enjoying the calm presence of Wanda beside her.

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