end who?

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Kara's whole body was covered in cuts and gashes as the whole back of her t-shirt was drenched in blood from her back wound. She felt the adrenaline fading from her system, making her feel light-headed and weaker. 

"Legend, you have some explaining to do. What the hell just happened?! Who were they?" Kara winced at Tony's loud tone of voice as he stormed towards her with the rest behind him. 

Kara didn't reply, but instead too lost in Drake's words repeating over and over in her mind. 

You are the champion of the Creator of the Universe and yet, you couldn't save me, or Thea or Hunter. That you had all this power to avenge our deaths and kill those pathetic Gods, but instead, you aided the ones who killed me and others. 

"Kara!" The daughter of Poseidon's eyes snapped to the group, her sea green eyes back to its dull and lifeless colour. 

"We've had enough of you two keeping the Mist thing or whatever away from us. Who were those two?" Clint questioned. 

Kara ran a hand through her hair, and instead of answering, she looked at Thor. "Another prophecy has been foretold." 

Thor's eyes widened while the rest were even more confused. 

"A prophecy?" Steve's eyebrows furrowed. "And what do you mean by another prophecy?" 

The demigod turned to him. "The one you guys fought with Thor was Aigaios, the titan of sea storms and the weather. And the hooded man that I fought was the champion of End." 

"End who?" 

Kara sighed, looking out towards the ocean as dangerous waves crashed onto the shore. "It's not safe here. I'll explain and answer all your questions back at the tower." 

Shadows started wrapping around everyone and engulfed them all as they reappeared back at the main room in the tower. 

All Kara wanted was to collapse in a pool of water as her back and whole body ached to do anything but she leaned on the nearest table counter for support before taking a deep breath and starting to explain. 

"In the beginning, there was only the Void, and out of the Void, the first two primordials beings were born. Chaos, the Creator of the Universe and End, the brother of Chaos, the Primordial of Destruction. The two lived in perfect harmony for eons, ruling side by side, when Chaos began to get more praise from the people all around the Universe, making End furious and jealous. He challenged Chaos to a duel to see who would be more fit to be the ruler, leading to a huge war between the two which went for centuries as End was so hell-bent on destroying his own sister for just the throne. At last, Chaos managed to defeat End, making him fade into nothingness despite her will, for the best. But now, End's rising again, even more hell-bent on making Chaos fade out of existence and take over the throne." 

"But why come after you?" Natasha questioned. 

"Because of the prophecy that has been foretold on this war," Kara replied. 

"What prophecy?" Wanda asked while the demigod sighed before speaking. 

"This is how it goes. A battle will wage on at the sacred lands, destinies that save or destroy the worlds. A war that must be won at all odds. Chaos and End come out to play through their heirs. Champion of Cosmos' aura, one half of the Legendary blade shall dim, but Chaos will strike End back, and one Successor's soul shall fade to black," Kara recited. 

"But that still doesn't answer what it has to do with you," Sam stated. 

Kara took a deep, shaky breath again before staring at the group again. "It's because I am the champion of Chaos." 

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