no other way

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The two champions turned to the Avengers to see them all pointing their weapons threateningly at Drake, who held his hands up in surrender. Kara took a step in front of him in a protective manner.

"It's okay. He's on our side."

Clint raised his eyebrow at her. "Wasn't he like trying to kill you like an hour ago?"

Drake looked sheepishly at them, a guilty expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, about all this." He gestured to the destruction around them. "It wasn't me. I was being controlled." 

Tony furrowed his eyebrows before sighing. "I still don't trust you, but I trust Kara."

Drake nodded. "You don't have to trust me, but I'll do everything I can to make everything right again."

Just then, the ground rumbled beneath them, throwing everyone off balance before golden light flashed in front of them all.

When the light faded, it revealed the Primordial himself, wearing grand, golden armour, his golden eyes glowed with immense power, alongside an army of monsters behind him.

Both the champions quickly stood in a defensive stance in front of the Avengers, glaring murderously at the Primordial, hazel and ocean eyes meeting golden ones. End shook his head in a disappointing manner at his champion.

"I expected better from you, son of Perses, but you were too weak anyways."

Drake growled, tightening his hold on the hilt of the Sword of End and lunged at the Primordial, who smirked, expecting his attack and sidestepped before disarming his own sword out of his champion's hold, kicking him roughly back towards Kara.

End examined his sword, swinging it around in a lazily manner, before looking up at Kara. "It looks like I'll have to kill you myself now."

The daughter of Poseidon barely had time to bring her sword up to block End's strike. The Primordial struck her with blows after blows as the two became a blur to the rest of the Avengers, who were now fighting against the rest of End's army.

Both the legendary swords clashed against each other with a huge thud, causing the ground below them to slightly rumble. The champion of Chaos managed to land a deep cut on End's leg as he side-stepped a second too late, but not before swiping a long gash on her right arm.

Kara managed to recover quickly and moved forward to disarm him, but End saw it coming and sidestepped, smashing his fist against her shoulder with brute force, numbing her arm for a moment and giving him a chance to land a hard kick to her side, sending her flying back several feet away.

End made his way towards the demigod only to get struck by a blast of magenta flames by Drake, who's eyes were now glowing the same shade as his flames. The Primordial glared at his champion.

"Ah, how sweet. Don't worry. After I get rid of her, you're next."

Drake dodged a thrust from End's sword and tried to land a flaming punch at him only to receive a long gash at his leg, causing him to stumble.

The Primordial feigned a strike to Drake's head as the son of Perses went to sidestep but End dropped to a knee and kicked at Drake's legs, knocking his champion's legs out from under as he landed with a hard thud.

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