clint meets hurricane

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Kara found herself standing on the helipad. The wind whipped at her at such a high height, but the comforting, warm breezes that she'd felt at the balcony weeks ago had turned into cold and sharp currents. 

Was it responding to her mood? She could, in fact, have an influence on smaller coastal storms even though it wasn't her domain, but instead was technically Zeus's. Maybe she was simply imagining it. Despite that, the daughter of Poseidon found herself hesitating. 

The sun was beginning to set on New York City, casting a beautiful orange glow that reflected off the glass of many buildings. Kara could see everything from up there. Her eyes found the Empire State Building first, and that old nostalgic feeling pricked her stomach. 

Tearing her eyes away, she found herself simply gazing at the city, her eyes drifting across the East River at Brooklyn, to Midtown, and even to Hell's Kitchen. There were innocent people here, ones that couldn't handle dealing with the horrors that Greek monsters brought with them. 

The Mist had begun to weaken day by day ever since her encounter with Drake at the beach, which was almost a month ago. Monsters and other mythological creatures were now able to be seen by mortals. It was all working into End's hands. 

Had Kara peered off the side of the helipad, she would have seen the busy five o'clock traffic that put cars at a standstill. People were getting off work, all trying to get home to see their families. But among them, brown Humvees would patrol the streets and instead of New York's finest police officers, National Guardsmen roamed the streets. 

It was like this everywhere. People were scared, the government was scared. Protection was a key factor into letting citizens continue their daily lives. However, each day the monsters appeared, fewer and fewer people would decide to leave their homes for work in the morning. 

How long would it take for a city to collapse if workers stopped showing up? Or if mortals fought over groceries and guns to protect themselves? Kara closed her eyes, forcing herself to not think from her mind. She had to stop the madness from arising even further than it already was. 

Kara moved her fingers to her lips and whistled loudly. 

Clint wasn't surprised that Kara was leaving. He watched quietly from the door to the helipad as the demigod paced back and forth before whistling loudly. 

The archer pushed open the glass door, and strolled onto the helipad. Seeing that Kara had stiffened, Clint knew that his entrance was heard. Though the daughter of Poseidon did not move from the edge of the helipad. 

"Don't jump," Clint said dryly, a moment of humour welling up inside of him. 

Kara chuckled without turning around as the archer took slow and steady steps until he was beside her. 

"You're leaving." It wasn't a question but merely an observation. 

"Yes." It was a breathy and raspy response that sounded like it had taken a lot of effort to be spoken. 


"I have to do something." 

"So you'll come back?" Clint wondered out loud. 

Kara did not answer, instead her eyes fixed on something in the distance. Clint followed her gaze, before his own eyes found what had captivated her attention. A grey speck had appeared in the sky. With every second it got slightly bigger and getting closer. 

Clint's heart hammered against his chest. "I'll alert the team. Maybe we can stop it before it reaches the city." 

He moved to go get ready to gear up, but Kara's tan hand grasped Clint's forearm with steadiness. "No, you'll want to see this." 

The archer frowned, but listened to Kara nonetheless. Within seconds, the beast landed on the helipad. Instead of some horribly deformed creature like Clint had expected, he found himself face to face with one of the most beautiful animals he'd ever seen. 

It was a horse, covered in shiny light grey hair, and a darker shade of mane that fell around its face like a protective barrier. Its tail was long and flicked as it turned to face Kara. But it wasn't just a horse. 

No, Clint realised that shortly after he saw the most amazing features of this animal. Its body seemed like it was made out of storm clouds and sprouting from the either flank of the horse were two sleek smoky wings. They were beautiful, like something out of a dream. They looked like wings that an angel would have, long and celestial. Its eyes were also sparking with electricity. 

He found himself gaping as Kara approached it nonchalantly and stroked the snout of the animal, smiling before looking up at Clint. 

"This, Clint, is Hurricane." 

Kara marvelled at her storm spirit's appearance. She snuck a glance at Clint, who gaped at her steed, unable to tear his eyes away from its ethereal wings. 

"Not every animal from the mythological world is an abomination," Kara revealed. 

I'm definitely not an abomination, Hurricane spoke in her mind, his ego practically able to be felt physically by the daughter of Poseidon. 

Kara smiled at Hurricane wanting to immediately speak to her storm spirit, but she figured Clint was already as stunned as it was. She didn't need to start speaking to the horse. Clint might pass out and topple off the tower. 

Hurricane seemed to sense Kara's wishes, tilting his head down and bent his legs slightly to lower his body. The daughter of Poseidon slipped onto Hurricane's back before the storm spirit stood tall again. 

Kara clicked her tongue slightly and tapped Hurricane's flanks with her heels as the horse trotted to the edge of the helipad. But, before she could take flight, Clint seemed to awaken from his stupor. 



Clint looked cynical as he regarded the demigod. "You didn't answer my question." 

Kara flashed him a grin. "No. I didn't." 

Then without warning, Hurricane launched himself into the air. 

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