who would've thought that the boss was an eye-patched pirate man?

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"Why are you here, son of Odin?" Thor stared at Kara in shock.

"How did you-" He suddenly stopped when her mask disappeared as he stared at her wide-eyed, recognition displayed in his eyes.

"Kara Legend," Thor said with a hint of respect in his voice as she stepped back, her sword vanishing while he stood up.

"You know of me?" She asked him while he nodded.

"You lead the Greeks and Romans to their wars against the Giants and Titans. Sharing stories of our greatest warriors and victories has kept the peace between the Greek and Norse pantheons for eons. Your conquests over Gaea and the Titan Kronos have been quite the tale going around Asgard," he replied while her eyes darkened at the mention of the Titan and the Earth Mother.

"I am no hero," Kara retorted, hating being thought of as such while Thor frowned at her response but didn't say anything.

"But why are you here? Shouldn't you be in your own world?" He asked as Kara looked behind him, seeing the Avengers starting to get up from the blow.

"I came here to start over again. To try and move on from the wars and have a little peace in my life. But your mortal friends over there, won't let me seem to have that and want me to join their group," she replied, gesturing towards them.

"It would be an honour Lady Kara if you joined our team," Thor said while she raised her eyebrows at him.

"You are part of their team too?" Kara asked while he nodded as his team walked up to him.

"You know of her Thor?" Tony questioned as Thor turned to him, smiling.

"Why yes of course, son of Stark. Lady Kara here is-" He was cut off.

"I am an old friend of his," Kara intercepted, speaking on behalf of Thor as the god of thunder looked at her in confusion but nodded nonetheless.

"Please consider joining us Lady Kara, it would be great to have another team member as yourself," Thor pleaded.

Kara had a thoughtful look on her face. She knew she could never give up fighting. It had been a part of her since the beginning. Maybe this way, she could keep fighting while trying to live a peaceful life.

What could go wrong? The demigod thought.

"Alright, I'll join your avenging team," Kara replied while Thor almost let out a squeal of delight but controlled himself.

Tony's eyebrows widened. He was not prepared for the Asgardian to talk to the demigod like a long lost friend nor did he expect for her to accept the offer that quickly by him when he and the rest had been pretty much demolished by her when they offered her the place.

"Why couldn't Fury have just sent you to get her all this time? Would've saved us a lot of time and pain," Tony flustered while Thor just raised his eyebrows.

"You should be happy that I didn't kill you the first time we met. Would've made a bad first impression," Kara said.

"She's right," Thor vouched while Tony glared at her.

"Alright, why don't we go back to the tower and then we'll introduce ourselves formally," Steve said as they all nodded in agreement.


"Alright, so Mr. fourth of July is Steve, also known as Captain America, and is well, the captain of the group," Kara clarified, pointing at Steve who nodded before turning to Bruce.

"You're Bruce, the raging big green guy," she looked at Bruce, who gave her an awkward smile.

"You both are Clint and Natasha, the archer and assassin, Hawkeye and Black Widow," Kara glanced at the agent duo, who both gave her a small nod.

"You three are Sam, Wanda and Vision. The flying bird, the magician and the walking Nokia," she looked at the trio before turning to Tony.

"And you're Anthony, the flying tin can, and the credit card of this team," she said, turning to Tony, who looked at her annoyed.

"Tony," he corrected.

"Right, Anthony," Kara replied while Steve sighed.

"Great, there's two of them now," he muttered under his breath.

"And who are you?" Kara asked the eye-patched pirate man in boredom, as the question was a courtesy she was extending while he raised his eyebrow.

"Director Fury," he replied simply.

"So you're the boss who wanted them to bring me in. I assume you're in charge of them?" She asked him while he nodded.

"It's good to hear that you've finally accepted the offer. Tomorrow I'll give you all the insights on the Avengers initiative since it's getting late. Mr. Rogers, why don't you show Miss Legend her room that she'll be staying in?" Fury said while Steve nodded, escorting Kara out of the main room.

He led her to an unoccupied room in the same hallway where Natasha and Wanda's room were.

"This is your room. You'll be staying here. Tomorrow, we'll ask you questions about yourself, get to learn more about you, see how powerful you are ...." Steve said, scratching the back of his neck, a bit uncomfortable, while Kara took pity and nodded, giving him a small smile.

Steve seemed relieved and gave her an odd half wave before walking out of the room. Kara sat down on the large bed, looking around and taking in the large room. The whole room was done in grey and white, plain and impersonal.

Large glass plate windows covered the exterior wall, leaving Kara with one of the best views she'd seen of the city. She walked into the bathroom and splashed water in her face, the contact re-energising her. She wandered back over to the bed and sank down in the soft comforter.

Joining the Avengers did have a few perks.

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