disclaimer + warnings + general information

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soooo . . . nobody ever gave me a description of what they wanted the fic to be, so i decided on this. idrk if there are other fics with this sort of idea, but this is completely my writing, and i'm not copying anybody else. 

umm . . . i guess this is a disclaimer of some sorts. i've never really written a fanfic before, so this will probably suck. i do accept hate because i want to know if i suck or not. i take harsh honestly better than sympathetic dishonesty. so, please tell me if it sucks.

i don't own most of the characters in this book, but there will probably be at least some that i make up on my own. i do not own any of the 5sos and/or one direction boys. 

this is purely fan-fiction. none of this is real. 

i'm really gonna try my best not to give up on this, but who knows lol. 

i will not be posting any chapters until all/most of them are written. 

also, if anyone wants to translate the story, please ask me first. this is never going to be big enough to need a translation, but whatever. this is a disclaimer so i figured i should mention that. 

**warnings**: self harm/anorexia/(really poorly written) smut/boyxboy/lgbtq+

the warning up above is the only warning i will be giving, except on the smut chapters, i will put another warning in case you want to skip those parts. 

anyway, i love you guys

stay healthy


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