chapter 9.

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aww this is a cute chapter. i like this one. 


~ ashton's pov ~

"hey fucktard wake up!" classic mikey, banging on my bedroom door at 10 in the morning. little does he know, i've been awake for hours.

"why are you here?" i question, opening the door.

he rolls his eyes. "jesus, do you ever look at your phone? dani's taking us and your brother to waffle house. harry's already ready, but lauren said she was going out with some friends or something. i'll be in the car. come down when you're ready."

"is lou coming?" i yell to him, already at the stairs.

"no, jay wanted to take him and the girls shopping, but he might meet up with us later," he answers.

"k," i call, but i don't think he hears me. 

i quickly put on a new pair of jeans and a t-shirt. i also put on my glasses because apparently, i'm in the mood to see today. fuck. it's suppose to be really hot today, and i don't want to wear a long sleeve shirt, but my cuts are too far up to cover with bracelets.

i go to my mom's bathroom where i know she has makeup somewhere. i find the foundation, and hide my scars with it. when i get back to my room, i put on some bracelets just as an extra precaution before walking downstairs to get in the car. 

seeing mikey and harry in the backseat playing pokemon or some shit, i hop in the front seat, and danica starts our drive to waho.

"so, harry, how's school been going? you like your teacher?" danica asks.

"erm, school's fine. kinda boring, but it's not that bad. my teacher's ok i guess," he answers.

"that's good," is all she says back.

most of the rest of the ride is silent until . . . 

"HA! NICOL BOLAS! IN YOUR FACE!" mikey screams.

"heyy, calm down. he's just a kid. jeez," danica says.

"yeah mikey, and you're really loud. i bet you just woke up the whole neighborhood," i add.

we pull into the parking lot and head inside, quickly finding a booth in niall's section. i slide into the booth, followed by danica who sits right next to me. mikey sits on the opposite side of me, with harry right next to him. ni makes his way over to our table, but i think he's too tired to even realize it's us. 

"hi, welcome to waffle house, can i start you off with some drinks?"

"i'll just have a coffee, ni," i answer.

"orange juice for me and harry over here," says mikey.

"i'll just have some water," dani says.

niall looks up and finally realizes. "oh, hey guys. i didn't know you were coming. hey harry," niall says as he reaches out to do him and harry's "special handshake", which is really just a fist bump and a small slap to the face. "okay, i'm gonna go get your drinks. unless you guys already know what you wanna eat?"

"nah give us a few more minutes," mikey says while looking over the menu.

we all look over the menu before niall comes back with the drinks and a piece of bacon in his mouth. "so, what are you guys having?" he mumbles while eating the bacon.

"i'm just gonna have a double waffle with a side of sausage," i answer.

"i'll have a single hashbrowns with a side of city ham," dani says.

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