chapter 1.

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so i said i would post the first chapter today so i did! most of the chapters won't be this long, but some of them will. i have about half of the chapters already pre-written, so that i can update frequently. i will be updating on tuesdays and fridays. 

thank you so much to my editor: @xx_haznlou. she edits all of the chapters, but if any of you guys see mistakes, don't be afraid to tell me. i take criticism pretty well. 

whoa first chapter!! i'm excited. anyway . . .


~ashton's pov~

i wake up and groan because of my stupid alarm clock. i hate mondays.

as i go to check if i have any messages, i realize my phone is not on my bed table like it usually is. i'm not surprised; i lose that stupid phone everywhere. the time on my clock says 6:15, and i usually get picked up at around 7:00 ish, so i guess i have time to take a shower.

i lay out some clothes(long sleeve t-shirt and black skinny jeans), brush my teeth, and hop in.

my shower takes longer than expected because just as i'm about to put my shirt on, a shoe hit my window. i hurry over to my window and open it. one of my best friends, danica, is sitting on the sidewalk putting her shoe back on. 

"hurry up ash! i told jaxon that i would stop by starbucks to get hot chocolate for the football team since their coach had an early last minute practice for this morning. he said that they're all freezing their asses off," she yelled as she started to get back in her car.

"why can't you just ring my bell or knock like a normal person?" i ask, trying not to laugh.

"why would i go through all that effort when i know you're in your room. it would've taken more time for you to come all the way downstairs to open the door, and i'm in a rush. now, hurry up!"

well, there's danica for you, logical and sassy. she's's been my friend since freshman year. some juniors were making fun of my glasses and she told them to fuck off. she was a sophomore at the time, and we've been best friends ever since. she's one of the only people that knows i'm gay, along with my other friends michael, niall, and louis.

jaxon is her boyfriend, and he's on the football team if you couldn't tell. i didn't really like him when they first started dating, but i was just being paranoid because she's my best friend. he's really good to her and is helping her to stop cutting and to eat more. she's anorexic and has depression, but she's trying to get better. we're all supporting her of course. 

sometimes i feel guilty because i encourage her to get better, but i continue to self harm myself. i don't know, i just feel like a hypocrite, but then i remind myself that i deserve it, and she doesn't. she doesn't deserve any of it. 

"give me five minutes. maybe less." 

i quickly put my socks and bracelets on and dry my hair a little bit with a towel. no one else is in the house right now, so i sing/scream ATL at the top of my lungs while i rush down the stairs, immediately turning back around to get my backpack that i forgot. thank god my step dad isn't home, i really don't feel like a beating right now . . . or ever.

as soon as i have everything (except for my phone that i still can't find), i grab a banana for breakfast, also grabbing a granola bar and an orange for danica, knowing she probably hasn't eaten yet. by the time i get out to the car, only four minutes have passed, and danica is taking out her dutch braids like she does every morning. 

"hey, you left these in my car yesterday," she says while handing me my phone and my glasses that i totally forgot about. i honestly don't know what i would do without her. "i texted you to let you know, but then i realized i had your phone."

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