chapter 11.

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~ luke's pov ~ (continuing from the end of chapter 10)

i wonder what it'd be like to kiss ashton. i bet he's a good kisser. i bet those lips could do more than just kissing too. oh, i can just imagine his pretty eyes looking right at me through his eyelashes as his lips wrap around my co-

fuck. do not get a boner. do not get a boner. do not get a boner.

too late.

luckily, my parents are not home to see me walk in to my house after practice with a fucking hard on. 

i quickly run up the stairs so that i can shower. i turn the hot water on before i undress and sigh in relief as my dick is finally free. i lazily stroke myself as i wait for the water to heat up. 

once the water is warm enough, i step in and start moving my hand faster. i could feel myself getting closer to an orgasm as i imagine it's ashton's hand instead of my own. 

i finally come to the thought of ashton on his knees in front of me, looking up me with his innocent eyes. 

fuck. that was the fastest orgasm i've ever had, and i was just giving myself a hand job. i don't know how i'm gonna last if i ever do get to do something like that with ashton. that is, if i ever grow a pair and ask him out. 

i wash my hair with my axe shampoo and finish washing the rest of my body. i grab a towel and walk to my room, groaning to myself as i realize i still have to study at the library later. 

i have a stupid math test that i'm totally not prepared for. something about, umm, you know what? i don't actually know. i guess that proves just how good at school i am. i don't even know what i'm bad at because i wasn't paying enough attention in class to even know what the test is about. i do have my notes, but who even knows how accurate those are?

i do have to pass this test tho. if i get anything less than a c, i can't play football anymore, and that would suck. 

i hate math. i find it stupid that everyone is even required to take math. i've always heard that math depends on the person. it either clicks for you, or it doesn't. maybe it has something to do with me not trying, but that's besides the point. the point is, math sucks.

i'll have to get notes from cal or someone because i need to pass this test. maybe i can find a tutor at the library. i shoot calum a quick text before getting dressed in my black jeans and my "i don't trust me either" tank top. 

to: cal 😒

hey, i'm heading to the library to study if you wanna come. you probably don't, but just letting you know lmao.

from: cal 😒

nah i'm good, kinda tired from practice, so imma take a nap. have fun tho.

i grab my math book and some paper and start my drive to the library. it's incredibly boring, so i try to put on some music, but everything on the radio sucks. i hate the band that's playing right now. it's called 50 years of spring or something like that. they absolutely suck. i decide to just not listen to any music. 

i finally pull up to the dreadful building as i see dark-ish clouds forming in the sky. it's probably going to rain soon. i know this might sound weird, but i love rain. it's very calming, and it helps me to block out the rest of the world when i need a break. 

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