chapter 12.

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~ luke's pov ~

i'm sitting in math class, eagerly waiting for my test grade. the teacher is calling students up one by one to get their tests, and it seems like she's never going to say my name. 

"cassy isaac."

another smartass looking disappointed while telling her friends she got a 98. what a fucking loser. she just wants attention.

"daniel haworth."

"luke hemmings."

fucking finally. i speed-walk up to her desk, wanting to know if i can play football or not. 

"very nice, mr. hemmings. your best grade all year."

i look at my score. WTF?! I GOT A 92!!

"holy shit, that's the best grade i've ever had," i say, staring in awe at the paper in my hands.

"language," she tells me. "now go sit down. other students want their tests too."

"yes, mrs. anderson. thank you," i say, smiling as i walk back to my seat. 

i can't wait to tell ashton.

i space out for the rest 10 minutes of class, fantasizing about ashton's face when i tell him about my test. actually, he probably doesn't even care. he's probably gonna laugh at my test score and think it's bad. nah, he's too sweet to laugh at me. he probably thinks i'm a dumbass tho. 

as soon as the bell rings, i jump out of my seat, ready to go find ashton before practice starts. i have to tell coach, but i want ashton to be the first to know about it. 

i don't know where his locker is, so i head to dani's, hoping to see him there. luckily enough, i do. he turns, sees me, and smiles. i immediately pull him into a big hug, picking him up off the ground and spinning him around. 

"i got an a-, ash! i passed! i can play football! and it's all thanks to you! thank you thank you thank you!" i say, kissing his cheeks after every "thank you".

he giggles and says, "it's no big deal. i'm glad you passed. w-when's your guys' first game?"

~ ashton's pov ~

"well, i actually haven't gotten a game schedule yet. coach was waiting to see if i could play, and i have to go let him know now. i just wanted for you to be the first to hear the news," he explains and gives me the biggest smile. i nod shyly, blushing and looking to the ground. "actually, we do have a scrimmage game on friday. you should definitely come."

"do most people even g-go to scrimmages?" i ask. 

"um, it's usually just maybe parents and a couple of friends of players, but i heard that some more people were coming since it's the first one. it won't be super crowded though, which is why it'd be perfect for you since you don't like big crowds of people."

"um, o-ok. i might come. s-sounds fun, but i'll have to check to see if i can."

"ok, cool. i hope i see you there," he says before running off towards the locker rooms. 

"you guys are so oblivious," lou says from behind me.

"look who's talking," dani starts. "he's not wrong though, ashton. i am 100% sure you guys are in love with each other. i mean, you should see the way he looks at you."

"shut up. luke doesn't like me like that."

lou just giggles while dani's wheezing, both of them looking at me like i am the stupidest person on the planet. 

~ luke's pov ~

"cal! cal! cal! cal! cal!" i call to him from across the hall. "guess what?!"

"what?!" he calls back.




i finally make my way to calum and give him a big bro hug. 

"i can play football, cal."

"i know."

"come on, let's go tell coach," i tell him.

"you go ahead. i'm not going to practice because i have a dentist appointment. i'll see you later, though. 

"k, bye cal," i say before walking into the locker room, conveniently three lockers length away from cal's. 

seeing as though most of my team was already there, i decide to scream the news. "GUESS WHO GOT A 92 AND CAN PLAY FOOTBALL?!"

they all look very surprised at this news. happy, but surprised nonetheless. harry walks over with the most confused face i have ever seen. he loudly whispers once he gets right next to me.

"wait, you really got a 92?"

"yeah, i know right. i couldn't believe it either."

"damn, i expected you to pass, but you really got an a minus?" i just nod this time, tired of people not believing me. his face all of a sudden turns very serious. "who are you, and what have you done with luke hemmings?"

"oh shut up," i say as i punch his arm lightly. his serious face clears, and he lets out a chuckle. 

"seriously though, nice job man. how did you get an a minus though? you didn't cheat, right?" he asks me. 

"no, i did not cheat. ashton helped me study," i say, mumbling the last part.

"hmm? what was that, luke?" jaxon asked, now standing next to harry. 

i sigh. "ashton helped me study."

"wait, what?" he burst out laughing. "ashton helped you. oh man, that's great. you know he's a junior, right?"

"yeah yeah, quit your laughing. i know i'm dumb."

"aww, lukey, you're not dumb. you just don't pay attention," harry says as he raises his hand to pinch my cheeks, but i swat it away. 

"oh, shut up."

for once, he does shut up, and we all go to our separate lockers to put our football gear on. we all head out to the field where coach is standing, looking at the playbook. 

"hey coach!" jaxon calls. "guess who didn't fail his math test today?"

"hmm, lemme guess. joe?"

"joe? i don't even know a joe. joe who?" harry asks. 

"joe mama," the whole team replies in unison. 

"wow," says harry.

"hemmings? you passed your test?" he asks me

"yes sir. i got an a minus," i state proudly.

"well i'll be damned. good job, luke," he tells me, causing me to smile. he didn't even second guess me. "now everyone huddle up, i got a new play i want to try out."

y'all should be proud of me. this ended up being 1090 words, but when i first wrote it, it was only like 480. sorry if this was kind of a boring chapter, but the next one will be the scrimmage game. i haven't written it yet, but i think it's gonna be a good chapter.

anyway, i hope you liked it.

lots of love


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