chapter 13.

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~ danica's pov ~

my phone starts to ring as i'm painting fizzy's nails. i check to see who it is, and it's ashton. i pick up and hear his voice kinda sounding scared. 

"ash? you good?"

"hey, dani. so um when are you and lou over?" he says, completely ignoring my question.

"um, lou and i will be over in a bit. just got to finish painting fizzy and lottie's nails real quick. i just gotta do one more coat, then we'll be over, k?"

"k, thank you. see you in a bit."

"hey, ash?"


"are you good? you sound a bit scared or upset maybe. is everything ok?"

"y-yeah, i'm good. i was just crying because i'm re-watching that 70s show, and i just finished season 7 episode 25."

"oh, that sucks. i can't even watch that episode with ugly crying. well, we'll be there in a bit. see ya, ash."

"yeah, see ya."

i hang up the phone and yell at lou to come down stairs. 

"hey, lou," i say as i'm painting fizzy's last nail. "we're going over to ashton's in a bit to get ready for the game. get whatever you need, and put it in my car," i say to him. he just nods before heading back upstairs. 

then i turn back to fizzy. "ok, i'm done, but these probably need to dry for about 4-6 minutes. if they get messed up, i'll redo them tomorrow." she nods and starts to blow on her nails as i move over to do lottie's last coat.

"ok," lou says as he comes down the stairs with a full ass bucket of makeup and clothes ready to go. 

"just get in the car if you're ready. i'm almost done with lottie's nails. i'll be out in a bit."

i finish up her last coat and head out to the car where lou already has the fray blasting on the radio. 

we finally make it to ash's house, and i text ashton that we're here. he says to just come in because the door's unlocked, and no one else is home. 

i help lou bring up one of the huge buckets he brought. 

"i don't know why you brought all of this stuff lou. you literally brought half of your closet."

"well excuse me for wanting to look good," he sasses back. we both laugh as we walk through the front door and up the stairs to ashton's room. "hey, ash."

"oh hey guys. jeez, why so much stuff?"

"shut up," lou says. "it's really not that much."

"what do people normally wear to football games?" ashton asks.

"well, most people just wear normal clothes. t-shirts, tank tops, hoodies, jeans, shorts, leggings. nothing too fancy."

"ok, good. i think i'm just gonna wear some jeans and a tank top then."

we all get dressed and ready and head out to my car. lou and i both wear our boyfriends' football hoodies, me wearing leggings and lou wearing a short black skirt. ash just wears some jeans with a green day tank top. 

~ ashton's pov ~

we pull in to the school parking lot but can't find anywhere to park, so dani decides to just park across the street. 

we walk over to the field where the players are warming up, and then, walk up the bleachers to find some seats. 

luke was right. it's not crowded at all. i mean, there are kind of a lot of people, but not nearly as much as there are for real games. 

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