chapter 17.

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this is basically just ashton's pov of the last chapter. please let me know about mistakes. 


~ ashton's pov

we walk into the house, and all eyes are on me. not wanting to see the judging stares from my fellow classmates, i keep my head down as we walk through the loud house. 

we immediately find mikey and jaxon having a beer chugging competition in the living room. mikey wins, and dani kisses her boyfriend's pouty face when he realizes he lost.

niall finds us and offers to get some drinks for everybody. i obviously decline because i don't drink, and mostly everybody else does too surprisingly.

we just stand around and hang for a couple of minutes before i realize that harry and luke aren't even here.

"hey, cal," dani calls as if she's reading my mind "where's luke and harry?" 

"erm, i don't know actually. they're here somewhere, i think. at least, they were earlier."

"oh ok. thanks, cal."

all of us just hang and chat, but soon enough, we all feel a bit congested and decide to go upstairs.

as soon as we get upstairs, jaxon pulls dani off to be alone while me and lou have a nice conversation. 

"do you know where harry and luke are?" i ask him. 

"no. haz said he was coming tho, so i'm sure they're around here somewhere." i nod. "do you think luke's gonna ask you tonight?"

"huh? ask me what?"

"omigod, i swear you can be so oblivious sometimes. do you think he's gonna ask you to be his?"

"l-lou, i don't know. we've only been on one date, and i'm not even sure if he likes me like that or just wants to stay friends. 

all of a sudden, i hear cal call, "lucaaas!" as luke enters the room, with harry following. "harooold!"

luke immediately comes up to me, and lou leaves off to go with harry. he looks very surprised as he walks up to me, and i think i know why.

"h-hi luke."

"hey, ash. i love your outfit. you look amazing."

"th-thank you. a-are you sure?"

"yes, ash. you look absolutely adorable," he says getting his face really close to mine, and oMIGOD he's kissing my neck. 

it's not a lustful kiss and only lasts for a second, but it doesn't fail to make me blush and my heart rate explode. 

somebody yells truth or dare, bringing me and luke back to the real world. we all form a circle to play the game just as dani and jaxon walk in. 

luke motions for me to sit on his lap, and i blush furiously before climbing in and snuggling into him, breathing in his scent in a totally normal and uncreepily way. he wraps his arms around me, practically covering my entire body. 

"you know, i love how tiny you are. you fit right in my arms. and you're cute when you blush," he whispers into my ear.

"shut up, 'm not cute," i say through giggles. 

"sure you're not."

mikey is the first to speak up. "zayn, truth or dare, mate?"

"erm, truth i guess because i'm too lazy to do a dare right now," he answers. what a mood tho. 

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