chapter 8.

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*warnings* i know this is in the description, but i thought i would put another one. there is a kind of rape-ish thing that happens. it's not forcing sex, but it is forcing other sexual actions. i don't know if that's considered rape, but it's non-consensual and forced. 

there will be a line of these *** before and after it happens. if you decide not to read, pm me, and i will summarize what happened. 

also, i'm very sorry about this chapter. it breaks my heart. 


~ ashton's pov ~

"sooo," danica starts as she turns on the car.

"sooo what?" i ask her.

"sooo, did youu get laid asshhy poo?" lou slurs from the back seat.

danica starts driving and says, "shut up lou, that is not what i meant. how was your first party ash?"

"umm it was interesting i guess? i was basically with luke the whole time." i look down and blush. "actually, scratch that, i was basically sleeping on luke the whole time."

"yeah i know, you should've seen the fond look on his face when he was holding you. calum took loads of pictures. i asked him to send them to me earlier," danica says.

i hear lou gasp from the back seat. "so you did sleep with luke. ASSHHY GOT LAAAIID!"

 i facepalm. "shut up lou, that is not what i meant. god, drunk you is horny."

he pouts. "heyyyyy, sober me is horny too. drunk me is just more upfront about it. ooh! you know who looked really hot tonight? harry."

"oh yeah, about that, how does it feel to finally have a boyfriend?" i ask him, trying to avoid the topic of my own loneliness. 

it's too bad that my bestie is a smartie tho. "hey hey hey, we already knew they would get married and have lots of babies. stop trying to change the subject. how do you feel about luke now that you're getting to know him more? i mean, you obviously trust him enough to fall asleep in his arms."

"well uh, i don't really know to be honest. i really really like him, but i don't even know if he's into guys or not. and even if he is, why would he want to be with me? he's a really sweet guy, and i can definitely imagine us together, but i just don't know," i answer truthfully.

"well, if you ask me, i'd say that he definitely has some sort of feelings towards you. i wish i knew for sure, but i don't. don't lose hope, and stop putting yourself down. luke would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend. plus, he definitely doesn't hate you, so that's something.," she says.

"phew, what a relief," i note sarcastically.

then lou speaks up. "oh come oon guys, i think it's quite obvious that luke has the hots for ashton. i mean, just wait until we get those pics from cal. you'll see." he hiccups. "you guys should just fuck already. that's what me and harry did, and it all worked out." another hiccup. 

well that's easy for him to say. he's already got the curves, the innocent look, the eyelashes, the tan, the ass, basically everything. i've got nothing. plus, anybody with eyes could see those two were meant to be together even before they got together. it's like they're soulmates or something. 

"hey lou, call jay and give me your phone," danica says.

"mkay," lou says before dialing the number and handing it to dani.

i can only hear danica's side of the conversation. "hey jay, this is danica. how are you?" jay is the only motherly figure in danica's life, has been for a long time. "oh that's great jay, umm, i was wondering if i could just take lou back to mine tonight. it's a lot closer, and i'm getting pretty tired. lou's already half asleep in the backseat." okay, she's obviously just lying to cover lou's big ass. "okay thanks jay!" she hangs up.

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