chapter 19.

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aw i like this chapter. this chapter is nice. this will be the last chapter, but i will be posting an epilogue. 

also, just know that i know nothing about football, so we're just going to hope that it sounds like i know what i'm writing. 


~ luke's pov ~

it's been two and a half months since the day ashton was almost raped, and i guess you could say a lot has happened in these past couple of months. 

for starters, we had the court trial, and gary was sentenced to 20 years in prison. ashton didn't stutter once during his testimony, and i was so proud of him. 

ashton has also started going to therapy, and he brings me along because he feels safer when i'm with him. therapy has really helped him so far and just knowing that he's getting better makes me happy. 

he's also become a lot more confident in his outfit choices. he wears makeup now, not that he needs to. he looks good with or without makeup, but it makes him feel pretty and confident, so a little makeup doesn't hurt. it's also not super obvious, a lot of neutral stuff. he likes to wear leggings, and sometimes he even wears skirts. 

our two groups have also kinda merged into one, and we all sit together at lunch now. ashton always sits on my lap, and i don't mind it one bit. i love to wrap my arms around the small boy and call him mine. 

dani has also improved a lot with eating. she doesn't always keep it down, but she seems to be doing better. she's staying at about the same weight, which is better than her constantly losing weight, but it still concerns us. 

football has been going pretty great. i've maintained decent grades, thanks to my amazing boyfriend, and haven't been kicked off of the team. our season has been phenomenal. we haven't lost a single game, and the city championship game is tonight. 

i anxiously tap my pencil on my desk as i anticipate the end of seventh period. just a couple more minutes, and i'm finally free. 

i look over at cal, who seems to be exactly the same way, anxiously tapping his pencil as he has a staring contest with the clock. 


omigod, fucking finally. our whole class scrambles to get out of the classroom as we leave the last class of the day. cal and i race to our lockers that are right next to each other because of our last names. 

"can't wait til tonight," he says as he aimlessly throws books and papers into his locker. 

"yeah, same," i say as i basically mirroring his actions. we finish at about the same time and head to ashton's locker. 

i rest my head on top of his while he's talking to louis. he jumps as he feels something on his head but turns around to give me a quick peck when he realizes it's me. 

"hey, i'm almost ready, just gotta grab a few more books."

"yeah, that's fine. i'm in no hurry," i say as i wrap my arms around his waist. he groans in frustration at the new obstacle between him and locker but doesn't complain. 

dani comes over to grab lou and they leave to wherever they're going. ashton finishes getting his books, and we head out to the car. cal climbs in the back as me and ash get into the front seats. 

it's the pov change for me

~ashton's pov ~

after some cuddling, eating, and a bit of studying at luke's house, he drops me off at dani's before heading to his big game. he has to get there pretty early and didn't want me to be there all alone. 

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