chapter 14.

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ahhhhhh! this a really cute chapter. it's also unedited, so if you see any mistakes, please let me know. anyway . . . 


~ luke's pov ~

"here, d-do you want your sweatshirt back?" he asks me.

"no, you keep it. it looks cute on you," i smile. "i'll see you tomorrow."

i kiss his cheek before he heads inside. i hear a bit of yelling  but assume it's just his stepdad yelling at the tv. there is a football game on tonight, so maybe he's watching that. 

i head home and have no trouble falling asleep, wanting it to be tomorrow already. 


"luke," he says looking up at me through his long eyelashes. "i've never done anything like this before. well," he pauses. "not voluntarily."

"that's ok, babe. i'm gonna take care of you, ok? i'm not gonna hurt you. i want you to tell me if you want me to stop though."

"ok, i will," he tells me. 

i slowly start to push in my lubed up finger into his tight heat as he lets out little sounds of . . . discomfort? 

"are you ok, ash? i promise it will get better, but i can stop if you want me to."

"no, it's fine. keep going," he grunts. " 'm just not used to it yet. feels a bit weird."

after a minute or so, his sounds of discomfort turn into the cutest little moans

"m-more," he stutters out, so i push in another finger. hearing his moans of approval, i start to move them faster, scissoring him to stretch him out. 

i wake up to a loud beeping sound interrupting the best dream i've ever had. fuck, i have morning wood. 

i take a quick shower, relieving myself and washing my body and hair. i put on some boxers and basketball shorts before i quickly make my way downstairs for breakfast. 

"hey, mum. what's for breakfast?" i ask as i enter the kitchen. 

she looks surprised to see me. "well i'm making french toast, but i didn't make any for you yet. i'll get started on that. why are you up so early?" she asks me. 

my face turns red as i answer. "erm well um i uh kinda have a date today," i say looking at the floor. 

she stops what she's doing to look at me. "with ashton?" she whispers. i nod, and she squeals before giving me a big hug. "that's great sweetie. what are you guys gonna do today?"

"well i was gonna take him to see a movie then eat lunch. or vice versa, depends on what he wants to do." 

"sounds fun. i hope it goes well. you guys look really cute together. now, go to the table. i'll bring your food out in a minute."

"k, thanks mum."

after a couple of minutes my mum brings the food out, and we both eat together in comfortable silence. when i finish, i thank my mum for breakfast and go back upstairs to get ready for the date.

i put on some black skinny jeans and a random t-shirt before going to the bathroom to style my hair into a quiff. i put my lip ring in, and i'm ready to go. 

after i'm done, it's already 11:47, so i go downstairs to leave.

"bye, mum. i'll see you later."

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