chapter 4.

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chapter 4 is up! yesterday was ash's birthday. he's getting so old lol.

ha ^that was written when i wrote the chapter btw, ashton's b-day was a while ago. 

anyway, i literally forgot it was tuesday until now, so y'all should be happy that i remembered lol. 


~ ashton's pov ~

i wake up groaning as i try to turn my alarm clock off from across the room. i guess i'm pretty smart for putting it across the room because i'm definitely awake now. four hours is probably not enough sleeping time, but it's better than nothing.

after setting out my clothes, i hop in the shower. it's a pretty quick shower because i don't have to wash my hair or anything. i dress and go back to bed, not really sleeping, but just laying there with my eyes closed.

i get back up when i hear a familiar black nike hit my window. i open my window and yell, "give me a minute. i'm almost ready." grabbing my phone, backpack, shoes, glasses, and two granola bars, i make my way outside.

"no offense ash, but you look like shit. did you sleep at all?" she asks.

"yeah i slept a little bit. i got like four hours. i had to stay up because of this homework assignment that i put off til last minute. totally forgot about it." i easily lie.

"well, you can sleep in the back seat if you want. there's a blanket and some pillows."

"yeah, sounds good. thanks."

"yeah, no problem ash. go to sleep."

i can't sleep though. i don't know why, but i just fucking can't. i'm super tired and literally can't keep my eyes open, but my brain won't let me sleep.

we finally arrive at school and start making our way to the cafeteria. lou and mikey are already at our table along with . . . calum? what's he doing here.

"hey bitches, what took you so long?" michael asks us as we sit down. mike and lou on one side with calum, dani, and me across from them.

"what do you mean, 'what took you so long'? we're like 15 minutes early," danica answers as i hand her a granola bar and start eating mine.


"your friends are kinda weird," calum says looking at me and danica. "in a good way though. normal is boring."

"yeah that's us," i say. "why are you sitting with us cal? not trying to be rude, but you don't usually sit here."

"well, luke isn't here yet, harry and jaxon are both sleeping over there at our table." he points over at the sleeping boys. "and i don't know where any of my other friends are, so i came over here to say hi. anyway, did danica tell you guys about the party?"

"yeah, i'm stoked," michael answers.

"same," lou speaks up.

i don't say anything though. i don't even know if i'm going yet. 

"what about you ashton?" cal asks me. 

"umm, i don't know if i'm going yet. parties aren't really my thing, but i might come. i just don't know yet," i answer truthfully.

"oh," he says, "well, i hope you can make it." i just shrug.

"imma head to the bathroom. i'll see you losers later," danica informs us.

i feel my eyelids starting to droop, so i lay my head down on the table and close my eyes. i can't fall asleep, but the voices around me start to fade away. i can't really hear or feel anything, but i know i'm not asleep yet because i can still control my thoughts.

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