chapter 7.

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i'm SO SORRY this is late. i hope you enjoy it tho. love you guys. 


~ ashton's pov ~

"hey, we should all play truth or dare."

everybody nods in agreement and sits in a circle, lou and dani sitting in harry and jaxon's laps. fuck. this game never ends well, does it?

"okay who wants to start?" mikey asks.

"i'll go," harry says. "erm, neil, truth or dare?"

niall looks at him with pure annoyance. "dare, harold."

"hmm, i dare you," he pauses dramatically, making this a lot more intense than it has to be. "to yell potato out of the window as loud as you can," he finishes while keeping a "straight" face.

we all chuckle at his stupid dare. niall completes the dare, making me giggle from his thick irish accent. 

niall joins us back in the circle and asks, "lou, truth or dare?"

he gulps as he says, "truth."

niall turns to me and winks. "okay lou. what are your true feelings about harry? if you want, you can just tell him and not the whole group."

lou turns around in harry's lap to whisper in his ear while i turn to niall and give him a "what the fuck?"  look. he pulls out his phone to type something, and i feel my phone buzzing in my back pocket. i pull it out to read the message

from: neil 🍀

lou told me to ask him so that he wouldn't chicken out. i would never out lou like that. x

to: neil 🍀

ohh, ok. that makes more sense. i was real confused there for a second. x

i look back up to see lou still whispering in harry's ear while the rest of us are just staring intensely at both of them. lou stops and looks down at his lap, blushing and fiddling with the bottom of his skirt. then, harry speaks up, loud enough for all of us to hear.

"louis tomlinson, will you be my boyfriend?" he asks, smiling. 

"of course i will!" lou immediately smiles and starts kissing harry. fucking finally. 

they finally pull away, and lou whispers something else in his ear. harry's eyes widen before he picks lou up and carries him out of the room. those horny little shits.

"okay then," jaxon is the first to speak. "um, niall, you should go again since louis left."

"erm, yeah okay. calum, truth or dare?"

"dare. do your worst."

"okay, i dare you to call your mum and ask her for a tampon," he says smirking. "oh, and make it believable," he adds.

"okay horan, but i don't think she's even awake."

cal ends up being right. he calls his mom twice with no answer, so we just move on. 

"hmm," cal scans the room until his eyes land on me. he looks as if a light bulb just turned on in his head. "ashton! truth or dare?" fuck. 

"umm, dare i guess?" i can't say truth because he might ask about who i like, and i'm not ready to come out yet. or ever.

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