chapter 5.

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chapter 5!! louis left syco today, and i'm so proud of him. he finally got away from stupid s*mon cowbell. anyway . . . 


~ashton's pov~

why did i agree to do this? i'm going to die at this party. luckily, dani and lou are coming over to get ready and help me get ready. 

right now i'm in the back seat of dani's car with lou, looking at hot guys on instagram. 

"ooh, wait. there's this really hot guy i need to show you," lou tells me before taking his phone and hiding it from my view. he finally shows me the picture he was looking for. 

i roll my eyes. "lou, that's just a picture of harry in a bathing suit." i mean, he is pretty hot, but i would never go for him, he's all lou's.

"yeah, so?" we both giggle and continue to stalk random hot guys until lou's phone rings

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"yeah, so?" we both giggle and continue to stalk random hot guys until lou's phone rings. 

"hey mikey, you're on speaker. ash and d are also in the car," he says.

"yeah whatever, assholes. why wasn't i invited to come get ready with you guys?" he asks.

i shrug even though he can't see me. i honestly have no idea why he wasn't invited. 

"because, m i c h a e l, this is a girls thing," danica informs him.

"b-but, you're the only girl there."

"so?" danica says. she sighs, "fine, do you wanna come mikey?"

"no not really, i'm just wearing what i'm wearing right now anyway. bye losers," he says as he hangs up.

we all just roll our eyes and snicker at our friend's stupidness. 

we finally pull up to my vacant house and get out of the car.

after we're done hauling all of danica and louis' makeup and clothes upstairs, we start getting ready. 

"guys, should i wear my regular jeans, my ripped jeans, my regular jean skirt, or my ripped jean skirt? i'm kinda leaning toward my ripped jean skirt, but i feel like it's a bit much." danica asks.

"umm, the ripped one looks great on you. i don't think it's too much, and if it's what you wanna wear, than you should," i respond.

"omigod yes. what ashton said. plus, you look so badass when you wear that skirt," lou says.

"aww thanks guys." she gives us each a kiss on the cheek. "you guys are the best."

dani completes her look with a black crop top and dark green flannel. lou decides on wearing a pink crop top with a black and white plaid mini skirt. they try to convince me to wear a skirt as well, but i'm not ready for that. 

"guys, most people don't even know that i'm gay. how do you think people will react if i show up to this party wearing a skirt?"

"easy," louis says. "every girl will be jealous and hate that you look better than them, and every guy that lays eyes on you will want to bend you over right then and there. even the straight ones," he ends with a wink.

"yeah, okay." i roll my eyes.

i end up wearing just my black jeans and a black t-shirt. pretty basic, huh? well, i don't want to stand out, so it's perfect. 

i just watch as they put their makeup on, still desperately wishing that i could be as confident as lou. i wonder how he does it. probably his ass. if i had an ass like that, i'd wanna show it off with a mini skirt too. 

"ash, can i do your makeup?" danica asks me.

"i-i don't kno-," i say before she cuts me off.

"come on ash. pleeeease. it won't even be that noticeable. just some mascara and maybe some eyeliner."

"okay fine," i give in.

by the time we're all done getting ready, it's already 7:03. we pack all of their stuff back into the car and head to calum's cousin's house.

~ skip the car ride because i'm punk rock and i do what i want ~

"you ready ash?" lou asks me as we're walking up the steps into the house.

"not really, but i don't think i'll ever be."

"hey, don't worry. you'll have a good time. and, one of us will be with you at all times, k?"


and that's it. sorry for the short chapter lol. i planned out my chapters before i started writing, and all this one said was, "(danica, lou, and, ash get ready for the party)". kind of a filler, but it's not very full lol. i promise the next chapter is longer. 

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