chapter 18.

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this is like a sad chapter, but also a good chapter. like something really bad happens, but it like results in an overall good thing. it do be really sad tho. anyway . . .


~ luke's pov ~

i hum to the beat of sex on the radio by good charlotte as i drive to ashton, my boyfriend's, house. i nervously continue to hum while i walk up to the front door. 

i haven't seen ash since the party. i drove him home and made sure he got here safely, but i haven't seen since then. this morning i decided to surprise him with some violets because danica told me that those were his favorites. 

as i go to knock on the door, i can hear a voice, ashton's voice. he sounds like he's screaming at somebody to stop. maybe he's having another nightmare like that one he had at the party. i lean my ear up against the wood, and i can hear him clearly now. 

"PLEASE STOP PLEASE GARY I DON'T WANT TO PLEASE STOP!" he screams through sobs. they all of a sudden stop, but i can still hear him faintly mumbling, crying, and maybe gagging?

wait a second, gary. gary, gary, gary. holy shit, that's his stepdad's name. 

is somebody actually hurting him? why would he just all of a sudden stop screaming? i need to get in there. 

i pound on the door relentlessly, anxiously waiting for someone to open the door. when i get no answer, i decide to let myself in because ashton's safety is more important than being polite. 

what i see breaks my heart into a million little pieces, to put it lightly. i see ashton's naked body littered with bruises and with red scars all over his arms; some look old and some look fresh.  he's pinned to the wall, red in the face, screaming and crying through a piece of fabric that looks like it was used to muffle his screams, by a 40 something year old looking man, who's holding ashton with one hand while rubbing his penis with the other. 

he lines his penis up with ashton's virgin unprepped hole, but before the man can continue to rape and abuse my boyfriend, i punch him square in the jaw with tears running down my face, knocking him over. i get on top of him and punch the living daylight out of him while ashton breaks down and curls up into a ball, still crying, as he takes the fabric out of his mouth. 

"DON'T. YOU. EVEN. THINK. ABOUT. TOUCHING. MY. BOYFRIEND. EVER. AGAIN." i scream through punches. 

i stop hitting when he seems unconscious and go to comfort my boyfriend, who is still relentlessly sobbing, sitting curled up with no clothes on, on the floor. i immediately take off my sweatshirt, noting the many scars on his arms that i'll ask about later, and wrap it around the broken boy before carrying him up to his room bridal style. 

i place him on the bed and walk over to his dresser. i look through each drawer and finally find some underwear i can cover him with so that he feels more comfortable. 

i slide the light purple lace panties up his legs before wrapping my arms around him, engulfing his body before placing a long kiss on his forehead. the small boy is still sobbing, and my heart breaks all over again, hearing his broken sobs and just thinking about what would have happened if i wasn't here and if this has happened before. If so, how many times? what was the extent?

i rub his back and his sides, trying to warm up his shivering body as he doesn't move or say a word. 

"hey, it's ok," i whisper in his ear. "you're okay now. i'm not going to let the bad man hurt you. he's never going to touch you again. i'm here to protect you."

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