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so . . . about danica. some people were asking me about what happened to her in the last chapter and if they found out about jaxon or not. the thing is, when i planned the fic out, i didn't plan for jaxon to be like that. he was just supposed to be like the rest of them, pretty chill and stuff. so when i decided for him to be a bad person, it was just a spur of the moment decision, and i had already planned out the rest of the fic. that is why there is no chapter where they find out about him or chapters leading up to that. there is closure on that subject in this chapter, but there wasn't like a whole chapter dedicated to them finding out if that makes sense. sorry for the confusion.

again, please let me know about any grammatical errors. anyway . . .

*smut warning*

many years later

~ ashton's pov ~

"oi!" niall calls as we finally sit down and relax after a fun day on the beach. "now that the kids are asleep," he takes a dramatic pause. "we should play a nice game of truth or dare just like we used to."

"yeah, that sounds fun," i say before climbing into my husband's lap. i love our two little devils, but it's always nice to get a break every now and then. 

"i'll get the drinks!" lou calls, resulting in laughter and many rolled eyes.

"same old lou," cal says, snuggling into mikey's arms. i smile at the new couple. it took them both way too long to take a hint that they liked each other. 

we all form a sort of circle around the living room of the large beach house as lou passes around beers and tequila. 

after hours of stupid dares and even more stupid confessions, we all kind of just give up on the game and sit around, talk, and enjoy each other's presence. 

"she would've loved this," i mumble to myself, looking around at everyone's bright, smiling faces. luke tightens his grip around me and leans down to whisper something in my ear. 

"yeah, she would've," he whispers before kissing my cheek. "i bet she's here right now tho, watching over you, like she always did. she's so proud of you, ash. i know it." he looks like he's about to say something else, but he diverts his attention to a very loud, tipsy louis in the middle of the room. 

"i wanna make a toast." he dramatically pauses before saying, a little quieter than before, "here's to danica," while wiping a tear off of his face. again, he says, "here's to danica," but a little bit louder.  

"to danica," we all repeat before staying silent for a moment or so, despite the begging need to cry. i'll never forget the moment i found her body, just laying there motionless on the bathroom floor in her apartment, her hands gripping a whole bag full of envelopes, holding each and every personal suicide note. There was one for every person who loved her and who she loved, even one for an awful person that never loved her. 

lou speaks up again. "and here's to jaxon rotting in jail like he deserves." we all burst into  laughter and agreement before haz picks up lou right where he standing, pats his bum, and carries him back to where they were snuggling on the couch. 

i turn so that i'm sideways in luke's lap, kissing his neck gently a couple of times before snuggling into it. a few minutes later, i hear my seven year old's voice. 

"mama," i hear her call. anna, my six year old, was made fun of one day at school for not having a mommy, so i told them both they could call me mummy if they wanted to. i find it kinda cute that they call me mummy or mama, and luke likes it too. "i had a bad dream, and i can't fall asleep. can you tell me a story?"

truth or dare? (lashton hemwin)Where stories live. Discover now