chapter 16.

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bruh wtf it's already friday. again, this is unedited, so please tell me about mistakes and stuff. hehe are y'all ready for the surprise. here it is:


~ danica's pov ~

we walk into the house, and all eyes are on us. well, all eyes are on ashton, as they should be. lou did a great job even though ash always looks flawless. now he looks like a bad bitch, and i love it. 

we immediately find mikey and jax having a beer chugging competition in the living room, and i roll my eyes at my boyfriend's behavior. mikey wins, and i kiss the pout off of jax's face when he realizes he lost. 

i honestly don't get why people choose to drink their calories. it's a total waste and for what? all beer does is make you feel good for a short time, and the next morning, you get a stupid hangover. beer doesn't even taste good. plus, it's not exactly good for you either. i'm pretty sure the only thing i've drank in the past five years is water, and i drink a lot of it. 

as if on cue, niall comes over and offers to get some drinks for everybody. i obviously decline, and mostly everybody else does too. 

it takes me a couple minutes to realize that haz and luke aren't even here. 

"hey, cal." he walks over to me. "where's luke and harry?" (idky, but the only thing i could think when i wrote that was, "WHERE'S TROY AND CHAD?" bahaha)

"erm, i don't know actually. they're here somewhere, i think. at least, they were earlier."

"oh ok. thanks, cal."

all of us just hang and chat, but soon enough, we all feel a bit congested and decide to go upstairs. 

as soon as we get upstairs, i start to feel a bit dizzy, but brush it off. i get dizzy a lot because of the acne medication i'm on, so it's nothing new to me.

everyone kind of splits off into groups to talk while jax pulls me to one corner of the room. "hey, have you eaten recently?" he asks me. 

"erm, i don't think so," i answer honestly for once. 

"ok, good girl. i saw you eat part of your lunch on tuesday. have you eaten since then?"

"y-yeah, actually. i think i ate a granola bar yesterday morning," i say ashamedly, looking down at my feet. 

"ugh, can't you do anything right? what is wrong with you?" he says, looking disappointed "you're not allowed to eat anything tonight, ok?"

i just nod, not wanting to respond verbally or think about food anyway. when do i not think about food tho? my lack of appetite just grows larger and larger as i think about the disgusting stuff. it just makes me want to throw up. 

all of a sudden, i hear cal call, "lucaaas!" as luke enters the room, with harry following. "harooold!"

i turn to see luke already striking up a conversation with ash, and ash just blushes. their probably talking about ash's outfit choices because he always gets so flustered when people compliment him. 

"they seem happy," jaxon whispers into my ear as he wraps his arms uncomfortably tight around me. "i'm glad they found each other." 

"yeah, me too," i say as he kisses my forehead.

"come on, let's go get you some water. need to flush some of the fat out." finally, something i can agree with. jax is the only one who understands. he's the only one who sees what i see. well, everybody can see it, but he's the only one who's honest about it, and that's what i love about him. he's not afraid to tell it how it is. 

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