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I ran into the ward as my pager was paging non stop. This is my first day doing residency and a helicopter had to crash. I ran to the emergency room as the ambulance rolled 3 guys in. Two in black suits and one in grey who wasn't even responding. I ran to him and dragged the cart while speaking to the paramedics.
Medic 1: we have been trying to revive him but he hasn't responded.
Me: okay I need you to fetch the crash cart for me. I got up on top of him and checked his pulse than I began revive him to no response one of the MD came.
MD: You need to call it in. He touched my shoulder.
Me: Come on grey suit just give me a pulse.
MD: even if you get a pulse now he will be brain dead. Now get down and call it in. I pumped his chest one last time and nothing happened.
Me: First day of work and I lose a patient fuck me now lord. You can call it. And just as I was about to pull out the machine. Its reads a faint pulse. I jumped up and down.
Me: his alive... I was so happy.
MD: yes but brain dead. I looked at him squashing my bubble. I got to work in checking him and running some test. When I was done, I got on with my days work before my shift ended I went to see grey suit man who I have learnt his name is Bokamoso Nkosi. I walked into his room and stood for sometime by his bed.
Me: For a moment there I thought you will die on me. I went close to him and touched his hand.
Me: If you pull through, ill get you some wine and lots of junk to celebrate. Please please get well. I stood there and prayed for awhile than walked out.....
Ps: please excuse the grammatical errors... the work isn't edited🥰🤗

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