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Just as we turned to the road we were blocked by a montage of cars. He stopped the car and just as he did a whole lot of bullets were flying as Langa shoved me down. They made wholes and I heard Thabo choking on his blood. I felt Langa hands lose up and I knew he was dead. I shifted a to the side. I opened the door and quickly ran to the back and just than i heard the car bomb up and I flew to the forest and it was light out for me.

I smiled as I watched the car burned into pieces with everyone than I went in my car and drove off. This is what am talking about. I finally got what mine.

I woke up and it was close to darkness. I got my back pack right than checked to see if everything was okay with me. I was shaking with fear. I walked the few roads than got to the garage and went inside and washed my face than when I was done went inside.
Me: can I make a phone call?
Cashier: Are you okay miss?
Me: Yeah am okay just need to make a call. She gave me the phone than I called my father number. It ran for awhile and he picked up.
Me: Dad its me. Can you pick me up. I rattled the address and waited there for a few minutes than I saw my dad car and I ran to it. I got in and he hugged me so tight that I just started crying none stop. When I was done he looked at me.
Dad: Your house burnt down
Me: I need you to continue showing to the world that am dead dad. Ill explain some other time but right now I need to leave the city for a few years.
Dad: What going on Mila
Me: Trust me dad please. He nodded.
Dad: You can go to Durban. I have a nice apartment there and it in my cousin name the one who died.
Me: oh yeah Vicky
Dad: Yeah you can use it ill wire you money.
Me: No you can't dad as it is this is risky on it own, the person who killed me must think am dead. Than ill wire money via Vicky accounts I have authority over it. You will find her cards in her house and Ill wire more money into it. You can use this car Ill uber back. I watch dad drive the car to the petrol guy to load a full tank than he went inside the shop for a few minutes and came out with plastics and than he took loads of money and gave it to me. Use this to get you buy. I smiled as I took the money with shaking hands and than he put the plastics in the car than took all his belongings as I stood there watching him as his brains were working over time whole mines were stuck on my events. Why do every man I meet dies? What have I done to go through this? Why can't my life be normal just for once? When he was done he gave me the keys and helped me in the passenger side.
Dad: I don't know what happening and I don't know what you got your life into but do know am always going to be here and if and when you need me ill always be there. I nodded and he squeezed my hand than I drove off leaving the only human that has always been there for me. I drove for a few hours until I stopped the car than cried. I cried until I couldn't cry no more than I took one of the bottles of water and drank it. I got in the car and drove the kilometres that will get me in Durban and all I could think about was my safety and hoping to pull this off. I pray Ntando never finds me ever again and I hope he pays for what he did.

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