Insert 15:

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Somewhere in Switzerland
I looked up as I heard a few footsteps and turned my head to see the doctor standing there with his clip board and 3 medical student. One dark skinned skinny girl and two boys. The doctor looked at me and smiled.
Doctor: Good Afternoon Mr Mba.
Me: Hy doc
Doctor: How are you feeling.
Me: Iv seen better days. I cant feel my body at all
Doctor: give yourself some time, your body has been through the worst that any human body can ever come back from. Now let us do our job and check you up than Doctor Zikode here will be your run too doctor to help you visit through your time here with us.  The beautiful dark skinny girl walked up with a gloom smile. She was beyond beautiful. She had long black hair tied in a neat bun. She had light blue eyes and was wearing glasses that had deep blue frames. She walked to me and touched me with her slim cold hands. I kept quiet as she checked all my vitals. The doctor scribbled a few things than pat my shoulder and left. It was now me and Doctor Zikode.
Doctor Zikode: Am going to run a pen under your foot tell me of it tingles. Lord I never expected that smooth cool voice. She went to the end of the bed and ran a pen under my foot and I felt nothing. She did it again and looked at me and I shake my head
I got up and was about to walk to him he raised his hand. Stopping me from coming closer.
Luniko: what did I say to you Mzi? He looked at Mzi and I saw him wimpier in his chair.

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