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I turned to find Somila dressed in an orange dress and looking amazing. I smiled as I got ready for the meeting. I walked up to her from behind as she was packing a traveling bag.
Me: what that for?
Somila: Just a few things am going to give Boitumelo since she has no clothes. I looked at her amazed by her personality.
Me: if roles were reversed she wouldn't have
Somila: You don't know that. I kissed her nose and she blushed.
Luniko: I do, let start at the office first than we will go to her
Somila: I rather go see her alone.
Me: oh okay than, come drive me to the office than you can use my car to go to her . She nodded and finished off. I walked to the drawer when she turned and took out my gun and put it behind me. I adjusted myself than walked out of the room and find Somila by the kitchen looking lost.
Somila: Am suppose to be making you breakfast
Me: You have all my life to make it up to me. We got in the car and drove to the office.

I ran so fast into his ward when my pager was beeping none stop to go see what happening to find a crash team already in there.
Me: vad hände? ( what happened?)
Nurse: han hade det bra och han fick ett samtal och allt var bra tills han började kollapsa( he was fine and got a call and he was okay until he started collapsing. We worked endlessly to make sure he don't crash with the nurses and doctors speaking Swedish so fast making my head spin but we eventually got a heartbeat and It was stable. He looked at me with tears in his eyes as he was breathing via the ventilation system. I stood there brushing his frail hand as my heart skipped a beat knowing his okay.

I stayed like that for what felt like hours. Nthando going to kill my baby brother and they is nothing that I can do. I need to warn him that all my brain kept saying. I kept on willing my arms to move but they couldn't. I willed my finger to move and I saw the young doctor jump. She felt it and she looked at my hands and I tried to gather all the energy in me so it can move and it moved and she jumped again. She ran out of the room and came back with more doctors and they did so many tests and that frustrated me cause all I needed was to send a message to my baby brother.

We got in the office parking and I looked at the yellow Maserati parked there and figure this might be from our guest. I turned to Somila.
Me: I know why you want to go alone and I get it but Tumelo ain't your friend.
Somila: I know but she needs one right now. She was raped. I looked at her as she was covered in sadness for someone I know would do anything to get the best in life.
Me: just be careful okay. I moved closer to her an kissed her senseless.
Me: If only I didn't have a walk in they are a million things I would do to you right now. She smiled shyly.
Somila: You have a life time
Me: I wouldn't mind starting now, now I have to go see this Nthando character with a boner. She tensed up at the name and tried to smile but I could sense that something was wrong. Something was amiss.

Get a grip girl they are a million Nthando in this world, he isn't the one. Oh gosh what if he has found me and his here to finish the job. I cannot make my husband go in there. What if he found out am married and this is his way of getting his revenge. I started panicking and I saw that Luniko was looking at me strangely. I calmed my nerves and decided ill go up and see if this is the same Nthando if not than am still fine but if it is ill find a way to speak to him and let him know that I haven't told anyone about his killings and am not about to start. Oh lord help me, when am I ever going to find a little bit of peace. I really like luniko and now I have to deal with a psycho. When is this going to end.
Luniko: babe you shaking.
Me: Am fine babe, come let go up and Ill have some coffee with Mzi. I think am getting a cold. I lied. Lord am lying to my husband now. I faked a smile as he looked at me reading me and I got out of the car and slowly walked with him into his office. The close we got the more my stomach was turning and I wished I could just turn and run. I breathed and told myself I got this.......

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