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I open my eyes as I heard her footsteps they been music to my ears the last couple of months. She and my mother have been the two voices that have pulled me from the depths of my darkness. I knew my two best friend died cause I saw it happen. I know I can't talk or walk or even use my hands cause iv heard the doctor be a shoulder to cry on for my mother. She came in smiling but her smile didn't reach her eyes she looked exhausted in a way. She came in and touched my hand like how she usually did.
Her: You look better today. She smiled and took a glass of water and straw and helped me drink. This is how considerate she has been the past week ever since she found out am up. She sat by the chair and sighed.
Her:You know life is hectic sometimes but am just so happy you are here and you are well. We will work out the body movements and walking again. She smiled at me. I wanted to ask her where is my mother ever since iv been up iv never seen her or heard from her. I sat there as she walked around my bed making a fuss and  fidgeting, she was too nervous. Just than the nurse came with food.
Her: Its okay ill feed him. That another thing she did. She feed me everyday breakfast lunch and dinner. She gave me my morning Baths and evening. She helped with the emptying of my urine. If I didn't know better I would say she was here to work just for me.The nurse looked at her with a smile as she took the food and placed it sitting on the bed facing me.
Her: well today they made oats. Am not sue how you like your oats so am going to add two spoons of sugar. If that okay blink twice please. She looked at me and I noticed she had light brown big eyes and I blink cause i liked my oats with two sugar spoons and milk.
Her: You want milk? Blink for milk. And I blinked.
Her: awesome. She adjusted me. I like how she was considerate even though I couldn't verbally say what I wanted or needed she made sure she asked or found a way to get my opinion on something. She feed me as she spoke about the some movie she watched frankly am not a movie person but I loved how she kept me sane. I liked her voice and how she smiles and laugh when she when she thinks she funny. I love how she fusses over me but mostly I love how even though am a vegetable she still treats me like a human and with feelings. While the other doctors walks in and throb and throb.
Her: well let me leave you and do other things ill come see you at lunch and ill sneak in som yoghurt for desert. She smiles as I was thinking an 32 what the hell will i do with yoghurt. She smiled and brushed my hand than left.

I did my rounds than went to my office and after a while two people knocked. And came in as I stood up to let them in.
Lady: Hi, we were told you are Mr Nkosi doctor
Me: yes
Lady: we are with the business daily and we doing an article about him.
Me: Am sorry what the business daily?
Lady: A news paper that follows the business world, reports about business personals and so forth
Me: oh okay
Lady: You have no idea who Mr Nkosi is?
Me: Nope just a patient that I meet here other than that I have no clue what or who he was before that. The lady looked at me dumb struck.
Lady: so can you give us a comment on his progress
Me: Am sorry I can't
Lady: Not a detail one just want to know how he is.
Me: Am sorry, ill love to tell you how he is but I can't, its not my story to tell or to share. If you could excuse me. I stood up and stood by the door for them to leave once they gone I walked to the room and found a tall white man in his suite standing there talking. I knocked and they both looked at me.
Me: Hi
Man: Hi, am Ntando.Mr Nkosi business associates.I looked at Bokamoso and walked to his side of the bed and and touched his cold fingers.
Me: Oh, Am sorry but he is not having any visitors his lawyer showed us a contract that in events like this everyone and anyone is not allowed to visit apart his mother. So am afraid ill have to ask you to leave. Frankly they was something off about this guy.
Him: Its cool Ill leave. He looked at Bokamoso one more time than turned to leave and I followed him then told the guard at the end of the hall that no one comes into this room but doctors only and nurses. He nodded. I walked back to find him shivering and I up the aircon and added another blanket but he was still cold and his machines started beeping none stop. I paged my team to come help as I was making sure he lives.
Me: please don't die on me. Not now please. I kept murmuring that while I worked endlessly for him to be okay......

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