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I sat there looking at Mrs Nkosi.
Me: I don't know what to say ma'am but sometimes we are able to find possible matches from strangers hopefully when your blood comes through we will be able to find matches and as iv said this is just a precaution we will know more when the specialist review his case.
Mrs Nkosi: Thank you for listening to me and being able to control us. We are a loud bunch.
Me: Its my pleasure ma'am. She took her things with a smile and left the minute I was I alone I looked at where she was sitting.
Me: What the fuck??? I shake my head trying to let out that information and got on about my day until I saw a phone call from my mom. I looked at it for sometime before breathing and taking the call.
Mom: You don't answer my calls anymore
Me: And listen to you tell me what a bad daughter I am. No thank you mom.
Mom: You very disrespectful wena
Me: am opinionated mom not disrespectful and am direct mom but you will say an disrespectful so let just leave it as it is.
Mom: Why do you hate me so much? I kept quiet my mom and I never saw eye to eye ever since she ran away with a Nigerian man leaving me with my dad. I was only 13years old and my brother 16
Mom: well I need money
Me: I don't have
Mom: your father is a business man and you a doctor.
Me: You are a teacher mom. You work, you have money too
Mom: come on
Me: No. call your son and ask him.
Mom: you know he never answers my calls
Me: mom am at work.
Mom: come home this weekend and let celebrate your new job.
Me: am working. I lied through my teeth.
Mom: how about I visit?
Me: I still stay with dad and Mary. I heard her sigh in frustration.
Mom: You can't shut me out forever. Am trying her the least you could do is meet me half way. I kept quiet as I blinked the tears away.
Mom: Okay sharp. She hang up as I looked at the phone trying not to cry. My mother is the most selfish human being on earth. I walked out of the office and went to Bokamoso room. I got there when the nurse was about to give him a sponge bath.
Me: It fine ill do it. She nodded and left closing the door.
Me: hy its me Somila again. Am just going to bath you a bit so you can feel refreshed. I went about bathing him while singing a song my dad used to sing for me.

6 months later
I walked in as the nurses called letting me know that his awake. The treatment has been going for months now and Iv watched his family exploded the day we found out that they not a match. Mrs Nkosi had to drop the bomb that actually Bokamoso is not they biological child. It was awful to watch and from that day Mrs Nkosi was now coming alone to see her child. I went in and almost ran to the ward to find all the doctors there. Just than my phone was paged and I ran out to the emergency waiting for the ambulance to bring in the code red. The doors open and I ran to help the medics only to see Mrs Nkosi trying her best not to choke on her own blood coming out of her mouth but it was too late she clutched my hand as I saw her take her last breath. Slowly tears fell out of my eyes as they rolled her away. How do I tell a guy who has just recovered the most traumatic expression ever that he has lost his mother? Where do I even begin the conversation and to top it of he still has to know that the woman who raised him was not his biological mother. This is just making my head spin. Why on earth did I agree to be there with Mrs Nkosi when she asked me this? What do I do now? Do I still tell Bokamoso or shall I let this family deal with they drama? I really don't have energy to go through this I have my own drama with my family. I walked back slowly and defeated. I washed my hands then made my way to his room. The minute I got there the doctors were gone and he was sitting there staring at the door looking right through me. I wiped my face and straightened my skirt and looked at him too. I tried smiling but my heart was heavy but instead I cried. I ran out of the room and went to the bathroom and cried. I cried for Mrs Nkosi passing away before seeing her son. That what we been praying for but mostly I cried because my prayers were now answered. His alive, yes they are things he will need to learn but his alive. That all that maters him being alive.

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