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5Years later
I woke up and took a shower than walked with my towel wrapped around my body and went to make tea. When done I drank it looking outside just thinking about everything that has been happening in my life the last 5 years. I lost my first patient Bokamoso Nkosi and I couldn't forgive myself yes that white man who called himself Nthando was to blame but I just couldn't forgive myself. So I left medicine and started cyto- Technology for 18 months and Iv been working for the Health department ever since. I love my job since yes it still medicine but I don't have to see patients daily. I only see they blood work and of cause do a lot of research not to mention training doctors and keeping them on the loop when it comes to new findings and new outbreaks. I got dressed in a long floral dress and wore shades and took my bag. I got in the car and drove to go have lunch with my lovely father and step mother. I got to Tasha's and selected a table that overlooks outside. I sat there and watched the cars and few minutes later my dad walks in. His the mist sweetest father that anyone can ever ask for.
I stand up and he hugs me.
Dad: Looking good
Me: Thanks dad and so are you. You alone
Dad: thanks. Yeah your mom had an emergency. Lol I smiled. My poor dad can't see that woman hates me.
Me: So, what new? We ate and catch up and of cause people giving me a side eye thinking am dating old white people. I cared none the less.
Dad: you worry me sometimes.
Me: Am much better dad.
Dad: You sure? You can move back home you know.
Me: I know but am fine.I smiled at him re assuring him than after some time we kissed our goodbye and I went shopping than went to the park for some alone time. My life is peaceful in a way. After awhile being outside I walked to pick n pay got a few things than drove home. I made dinner had my dinner and some wine than wen to bed in my shorts and bra. I had my sliding door open a bit to let in cool air as I got in bed with a book.

I felt my body roll till I smashed to a wall. When I looked up it was black but I saw a small light from the trees so I walked towards it. I got there and saw the doors open and I slowly open the door and got it. I felt my way around and a few things falling. Just then the lights switched fully on and there stood the most beautiful person Iv ever seen in my life wearing a blue short and white vest than I slowly felt my world spin and I fell.

I woke to find a guy in my room and he was covered in blood next thing he fainted. I rushed to him found his pulse slow. My instincts kicked in and I dragged him to my bed. Cut his clothes open than took out my aid box from under the bed. I set up and looked for the bullet wound that I found by his side and two on his left side. I dripped him with morphine for pain and worked on removing the bullets than stitched him up while he was still sleeping. When done I cleaned him up and his wounds than went to take a shower since it was already 6. When done I made tea for myself and dressed in shorts and vest and let my braids be. I checked the two drips when I felt the most deadly grip hold my hand and I looked to see the strange guy look at me as if his ready to kill me.
Me: You broke into my house. I stuttered and I saw his face changed and he let go of my hand.
Him: soo sooo sorry. I nodded and checked his wounds than moved and stood where I was looking at him.
Me: You had 3 bullets wounds. I took them out and cleaned them.
Him: cooo cops?
Me: I figured if you wanted cops you would have went to the police station. He nodded and dropped his head into the pillow.
Him: Tha... ttttthanks. He stuttered and I nodded and left him there. Whole day I was doing my Sunday duties than go check up on him every now and than. I made him a smoothie to give him some energy and he finished it.

" its done boss." I read the text with a smile. Now I have peace all territories are mine. I switched on the news and right there was his car covered in bullets. I up the volume.
" Mega billionaire car was found this morning with multiple gunshot, they is blood everywhere and the body is no where to be found. The head of security hasn't commented yet but by the look of things it seems like everyone is looking for answers" Good it just the way I want it to be. Am taking over the business world and the underground world. First it was Bokamoso now it was his partner And friend langa Thema. I smiled as I thought of all the money coming my way abd not to mention the power. I poured myself a drink to celebrate then switched off the news. This was so easy. Yes it took year to get to Langa but it was all worth the trouble. His dead and all that they built will now be mine and mine alone. Just than my phone rang and as expected it was the head of security from Langa company.
Me: Hello
Him: we need you, the boss has been shot and we need your help. I smiled
Me: give me an hour ill be there. I hung up and kicked the air thinking about how everything is coming to plan.

I walked in my room with a smoothie and found him looking at the door.
Me: you up. He nodded. I gave him something for the pain in his drip.
Him: you a doctor?
Me: I was.
Him: I see. Can I use your phone? I gave him my cell. He dailed a number.

An unknown number called. Today is not a good day my boss has been missing since last night and am not in the mood. I declined and it called again.
Me: Zibekha skhoskho( am ignoring you) I answered and I heard what sounded like laughter but turned into coughs. Then they was shuffling.
Voice: Hi
Me: yeah
Voice: uhm am sorry he wanted to speak on his own but he got a bullet wound on his chest so speaking is a problem right now.
Me: okay and you are and who you speaking about.
Voice: Your friend broke into my house. He was shot multiple times.
Me: Am sorry which friend? They was shuffling.
Voice: He says I must give you the address Tikoloshe. Only Langa calls me that. I got up and was already running with Ntando looking at me as if am mad. I mouthed to him and he followed me as the lady rattled the address. And we jumped into my car and we drove to where the lady was. I noticed that Ntando was uneasy all the way there.......

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