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I looked at them as they look at with eager eyes. The best way for them to believe this is for me to show them. I slowly removed the scarf and I undid my button and turned for them to see my black blue and green body.
Me: Ever since I married Abede he has been a monster. He has prostituted me to his high flying friends. He has made me a thief and lastly has made me his punching bag if his schemes don't go according to plan. The reason we are here is You Luniko. I don't know why and what the bigger picture is but the plan is to make you fall in love with me to the point that you share your secrets and I report back to him that the plan but what he didn't know is that you are now married which was a shocker for us both. I sorted myself out and I looked at Somila and she had glassy eyes and Luniko was now standing right behind her and brushing her back in the most comforting way ever and I knew right there and than that this is a new Luniko. He loves her beyond words and not what anyone can say or do will break them apart. I made peace with it right there and than and the only thing I needed right now is someone who can help me get out of this hell whole of the marriage and they are my only option and my last. Luniko looked at me for sometime I guess his trying to understand where I stand and if am being truthful. I looked back at his piercing eyes as difficult as that was.
Luniko: Mzi get Grace to order food for her and get Doctor Rayn to come check her throughly after she has eaten and book her at Pearls for a night while my wife and I go have lunch upstairs and discuss a few matters. Mzi nodded and attended to me while Luniko turned and went up with a now crying Somila.

I sat on top of luniko as he cradled me like a small child. He was rocking me back and forth as I tried to calm down. Yes I know that men can be abusive at times but to be abusive to this point is just to hard for me to grasp.
Luniko: Hey .. he kissed me and cramped my face in between his face.
Luniko: Ill never lay a hand on you. I know you never said I will but I just wanted to give you assurance that Ill never do that to you ever.
Me: I know just that its so difficult to comprehend that another human can do that to a person.
Luniko: Its happens babe, i cant explain how but it happens. I got up from him went to take a bottle of water from his mini fridge and took a gulp of the water.
Me: So now what?
Luniko: I will have my doctor take the a full report of the wounds and bruises and Ill have zakes investigate her story and tomorrow ill know what to do
Me: Am sorry I shouldn't have went behind your back
Luniko: You did what you thought was right and am okay with it, yes I wasn't okay with it at first but now I get why you did. I slowly walked to the table and dished out the food that I got him and when done I sat down.

We sat in silence as my mind was going wild with thoughts but I kept calm.
Me: So am calling home today to let them know we coming
Somila: Oh... I looked at her as she shifted in her chair
Me: They not that bad you know.
Somila: You they bigger brother and you family so yes they not that bad to you. I smiled as I texted Thando that I have a plus one than she immediately called.
Luthando: I thought I was imagining things she laughed.
Me: Yes you were
Luthando: And now?
Me: I figured I should indulge you. She laughed so much and I smiled my sister is the best ever and she has always made it a point to be the glue between myself and the family.
Luthando: Thank you for deciding on coming by. Mom will be so happy.
Me: see you in two days times. Just than I saw Zakes come through and he looked troubled. He looked at Somila and than me.
Me: Sis Ill speak to you soon. I hang up and looked at Somila and I knew she wasn't going anywhere. I looked at Zakes hoping he sees my signal and he picked up a phone. That the phone that I used to communicate things that I don't want to be traced back to me at all. Its just been a day of marriage I can't really throw a bomb at her telling her all the ins and outs of things that transpired for us to be here.
Me: can you please go check on Boitumelo and Mzi for me. She smiled not seeing am excusing her. She greeted Zakes and left. Zakes handed me the phone.

Somewhere in Switzerland
She shifted a bit as placed the phone properly on my ear.
Me: Hey
Luniko: Who is this?
Me: A ghost, I guess. They was pause for a while than he whispered " Langalibalele?" I tried to laugh cause he knows how much I hate it when he calls me this. Than I heard shuffling and some happy laughter. One thing I loved about my baby brother is the way that he made sure that I was his family. Yes we hated each other at first but we later worked our differences but we worked on it. Our father tried to pitch us against each other but we managed to work it out. He has been the only person that I knew other than Thabo who had my back.
Me: Yeah, Its been awhile. I managed to whisper.
Luniko: 6months and 3 days. I buried you!!
Me: Yet here I am. I need you to look for a girl for me.
Luniko: A girl
Me: she helped remove a bullet in me. She was in the same car as me when I was ambushed. Her name is Somila James.......

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